TV Addiction to 3rd generation daughter "Allow to watch if you collect tears "Smile" to daughter's reaction

Jul 09, 2024

TV Addiction to 3rd generation daughter 'Allow to watch if you collect tears 'Smile' to daughter's reaction
photo source =South China Morning Post, Douyin
A man in China is controversial for asking his three-year-old daughter to fill her bowl with tears as a punishment for watching too much TV.

According to foreign media such as Yatai TV and the South China Morning Post, the man, who lives in Yilin, China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, told his 3-year-old daughter to come to the table for dinner, but she was distracted by the TV and could not hear him.

As soon as the angry father turned off the TV, the daughter burst into tears.

In response, he brought a large empty bowl to his daughter and said "When tears fill this bowl, you can watch TV again."

In the video filmed by the girl's mother, the daughter is seen collecting tears by holding a bowl under her face and squeezing her eyes to squeeze more tears.

After about 10 seconds, the girl told her parents that it was too hard to hold the bowl and that it was impossible to fill the tears.

Then the father told his daughter to smile for him. Soon, the daughter appeared to smile with a face full of tears.

The video received more than 2.2 million 'likes' on Chinese social media Douyin alone.

Netizens are saying, "The way of discipline is too extreme"", "If you educate a child in this way, you will develop a negative personality"", "He is so cute." give a back reaction.