What is the difference between aging and dementia 'mild cognitive impairment', forgetfulness?

Jul 04, 2024

It was reported on the broadcast that singers Kim Won-joon and Lee Sang-min, who were born in 1973 and in their 50s, were diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment.

Mild cognitive impairment is an intermediate stage between normal aging and dementia. Kim Won-joon said, "I frequently forgot in the observation video, and I started writing in a memo pad about six years ago." Lee Sang-min also complained of symptoms of frequently forgetting the schedule and shared his concerns about dementia.

Even at a relatively young age in their 50s, mild cognitive impairment can be diagnosed. Memory, language, calculation, concentration, and emotion regulation are all called cognitive functions of the brain. As you get older, your memory decreases compared to younger people, and your attention decreases. Memories memorizing with the body, like driving, are well maintained, but the ability to remember events is greatly influenced by aging. This can be seen as a natural aging process.

On the other hand, dementia causes behavioral changes that can be recognized by others and cannot perform daily life properly. Mild cognitive impairment refers to a state in which memory, cognitive ability, calculation ability, and language ability are reduced, but unlike dementia, daily life can be performed normally. Forgetfulness and symptoms may be confusing, but forgetfulness is different from mild cognitive impairment.

Forgetfulness is a symptom of memory forgetting, and it is not that severe to be called a disease, so it does not interfere with daily life.

Forgetfulness knows that you are forgetful, and even if you forget what you were going to do, you can quickly remember it if you give a hint.

On the other hand, mild cognitive impairment forgets the fact that you were trying to do something. They may feel uncomfortable in complex instrumental movements, such as using public transportation or using machines. In addition, various mental behavioral symptoms appear in dementia. feel ill, anxious, or irritable.

The reason why it is important to diagnose mild cognitive impairment early is that the probability of progressing to dementia is higher than that of the general population. It is known that the normal control group is converted to dementia at a rate of 1-2% every year, while about 10-20% of patients with mild cognitive impairment progress to dementia every year. Mild cognitive impairment conditions are the earliest stage in which Alzheimer's disease can be detected and the treatment effect can be maximized.

Although people diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment are more likely to progress to dementia than those who do not, not all patients with mild cognitive impairment progress to dementia. It may progress to dementia, but it may return to a normal aging state and maintain the degree of mild cognitive impairment. Therefore, even if it is a mild forgetfulness that occurs in the elderly, efforts to diagnose dementia early by regularly visiting hospitals are needed.

Kwon Kyung-hyun, head of the neurology department at Seran Hospital, explained, "Patients with mild cognitive impairment are often tested for dementia because they are worried about the decline in cognitive function they experience." "In the diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment, detailed interviews are conducted to evaluate the patient's cognitive function and neuropsychological tests are conducted to objectively measure the patient's cognitive function."

Director Kwon Kyung-hyun said, `Mild cognitive impairment can be caused by several causes, and if characteristic aspects of degenerative brain diseases such as Alzheimer's disease are identified, it is more likely to develop into dementia"It is necessary to properly manage vascular risk factors such as hypertension, diabetes, and hyperlipidemia, and it is also important to maintain health through regular exercise. "

What is the difference between aging and dementia 'mild cognitive impairment', forgetfulness?
Ceran Hospital Director of Neurology Kwon Kyung-hyun
