"Why this tattoo?" The length of the toes is different..."Someone with courage"

Jul 16, 2024

'Why this tattoo?' The length of the toes is different...'Someone with courage'
photo source=Reddit, The Mirror
There are many reasons for tattoos on your body.

It is often done mainly for fashion, but it is also aimed at remembering a special person or date or covering up one's mindset, scarring, or complex.

British media The Mirror recently reported that a woman's bizarre tattoo has been revealed online.

The tattoo picture on social media 'Reddit' reminds me of a scene from the movie 'Charlie's Chocolate Factory'.

The publisher also wrote 'Umpa Roompa Doompa Diddydu'.

'Umpa Lompa' are the dwarf natives in 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', who are part of the lyrics of the song in the play.

The peculiar thing is the shape of her toes.

The second and third toes are abnormally longer and larger than the big toes.

Just by looking at the shape of her toes, you can guess why she got this tattoo. It is presumed to be to cover up one's complex.

Netizens are saying "Rather noticeable", "Isn't the toe fake?", "If the publisher is satisfied, it's a great tattoo" and so on."

In response, one tattoo expert said "She seems quite a courageous person"

This is because the foot tattoo process is very painful.

He said "Foot tattoos are generally more painful than tattoos on other parts of the body. This is because the skin of the foot is thin and close to the bone, so there are fewer muscles or fat to relieve the impact of the needle. In addition, the process of getting a tattoo is more sensitive and painful because there is a lot of nerves distributed in the feet."
