Woman over 2kg of carry-on baggage, wearing 20 layers of clothing 'safe passage'

Jul 01, 2024

Woman over 2kg of carry-on baggage, wearing 20 layers of clothing 'safe passage'
photo source=Baidu, China Press

A video of a woman in China wearing 20 clothes to reduce the weight of her carry-on luggage has been released, making headlines.

According to local media such as China Press, a female tourist noticed that her carry-on baggage exceeded 2kg while checking in on a low-cost airline flight from Xi'an, China to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

The maximum amount of luggage she could take on board was 9kg, but when she weighed it, it was 11kg.

The additional cost due to overweight was 1,800 yuan (about 340,000 won).

She decided not to pay this money and take out her clothes to reduce the weight of her luggage.

In the video, there is a picture of putting clothes in your pocket because you are not wearing many layers of pants and T-shirts.

She checked in safely for 9kg in this way, but was stopped by customs.

Customs authorities found her unusual outfit suspicious and took her to the investigation room and ordered her to take off all the layers of clothing.

Confirming that she did not hide anything illegal, the customs office sent her so she could board the plane narrowly.

It is not known whether she used the same method when returning to Xi'an from Kuala Lumpur.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.