Woman who experienced the afterlife "The late grandmother tells me to go back"

Jul 17, 2024

Woman who experienced the afterlife 'The late grandmother tells me to go back'
data photo source=Pixabay
"The deceased grandmother told me to go back, saying it wasn't time to die yet."

Recently, a woman who claims to have died for two minutes online revealed her brief underworld experience, making headlines.

One netizen claimed his 'surreal'afterlife experience on social media platform Reddit.

She was taken to the emergency room due to symptoms of a deadly nut allergy and was on a ventilator for several days"But it was useless. I was pronounced dead," he said.

She then said "My body was fighting for survival, but my mind was at ease. It was a great comfort because my family was next to me."

Unable to say anything to her family, she said, "Then suddenly my grandmother, who passed away in 2004, came to me"Just before the ventilator was removed, he came to me and told me to turn around " I said my time in this land is not over yet" he insisted.

She added that she felt like she had experienced a two-minute afterlife that was both long and short.

Netizens are asking "Isn't it a drug-induced hallucination?", "Congratulations on living again.", He is responding by saying, "It will be a turning point in his life."
