日The second in the history of syphilis infection in the first half of the year 'Most' How about Korea?

Jul 11, 2024

日The second in the history of syphilis infection in the first half of the year 'Most' How about Korea?
data photo source=Pixabay
In the first half of this year, the number of syphilis infections in Japan was 6,772.

This is the second highest figure ever after last year.

According to Japanese media such as NHK, the National Institute of Infectious Diseases announced that the number of syphilis patients reported nationwide in the first half of this year was 6,772, the second highest in history after 7,448 last year.

Regionally, Tokyo had 1,723, Osaka had 889 and Aichi had 386, down 10% from the same period last year, but 15 provinces and prefectures were on the rise.

The number of syphilis infections in Japan has continued to increase in recent years. Last year, the number was 14,906, the highest since 1999. This is the highest number since 1999 when statistics began to be collected using the current method.

Professor Shigemura Katsumi of the University of Teikyo "The number of syphilis infections is increasing at a rapid pace this year"As it continues to be difficult to predict, we need to raise awareness of measures to prevent or test sexual infections."," he stressed.

Meanwhile, syphilis is a bacterial infection that is mainly transmitted through sex and can be treated with medicine, but if left unattended, it can cause serious symptoms and can lead to infection in the mother.

Syphilis shows symptoms of syphilis in the first stage after an incubation period of about three weeks. A typical symptom is painless ulcer, and the ulcer site is observed in men's penis and in the skin or oral mucosa around the anus. Women appear on the vulva and cervical side.

In the case of first stage syphilis, it can also be transmitted through small abrasions of partners during sexual activity. Usually, symptoms appear to disappear within four to six weeks, but it can lead to second-phase syphilis in which full-body skin rashes appear three months later.

In the case of stage 2 syphilis, about 30-40% of patients may worsen to stage 3 syphilis. Stage 3 syphilis symptoms include rubberoma, cardiovascular syphilis, and neurophilis.

In the United States and Korea, the number of syphilis infections has also increased.

In particular, the U.S. is known to have reached its highest level since 1950. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, the number of syphilis infections in the U.S. was 207,255 as of 2022. This is a 17% jump from the previous year and about 80% from 2018, five years ago.

According to statistics on sexually transmitted infectious diseases released by the Korea Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 386 cases of syphilis were reported in Korea last year, up about 3.5% from the same period (373 cases) a year ago.

However, in the case of Korea, it is pointed out that it is an optical illusion due to changes in the inspection method.

This is a phenomenon in which the reporting system has changed from a sample monitoring system to a total monitoring system this year.

In the existing sample monitoring system, only the 1st, 2nd, and congenital syphilis were reported, but in the total monitoring system implemented this year, the number of reporting items increased, including the 3rd syphilis and early latent syphilis.
