102-year-old grandmother 'Happy Birthday'S skydiving'"Having fun and living busy is the secret to your health"

Aug 26, 2024

102-year-old grandmother 'Happy Birthday'S skydiving''Having fun and living busy is the secret to your health'
photo source=Goldster 'X(X)', Daily Mail
A British grandmother celebrates her 102nd birthday by skydiving.

According to local media Daily Mail, Manette Bailey, from Suffolk, England, jumped with a safety assistant 2,100 meters above Beckles Airfield in East Anglia on the 25th (local time) to celebrate her 102nd birthday and raise funds for the charity. This set the record for Britain's oldest skydiving.

Having served in the Women's Naval Service during World War II, she said "My father went skydiving at 83, and he loved it so much that he wanted to do it again. So I wondered why I couldn't do it at 102 when I could do it at 83."

Having been raising funds for several charities, she added "I wanted to be a big hit because I don't have much time left to live and I can't do fundraising anymore"

So far, she has raised £10,000 (about W17.5 million) for three charities. Her target is £30,000.

As for the situation at the time of skydiving, she was "not nervous at all. But when I was waiting for the door to open, the cold air came in, and when I hung my legs out, I was frightened."

She cited 'being in communities, friends, and people' as the secret to living a long and healthy life.

She advised "It's important to keep busy, be interested in everything, and be kind to the people around you"Don't forget to enjoy the party"

Asked about her next birthday event, she said "It's too early. I'll see if I can spend another winter," he said with a smile.

Meanwhile, the previous UK's oldest skydiving record was Ber, who jumped at the age of 101 years and 38 days in 2017??It was Hayes.
