5 Min Lab's action game 'Smash Legend' and popular legend 'Gumi's summer skin release

Aug 15, 2024

5 Min Lab's action game 'Smash Legend' and popular legend 'Gumi's summer skin release

Krafton's Creative Studio 5 Min Lab updated the real-time PvP action game 'SMASH LEGENDS' and released a summery skin of the popular legend 'Gumi'.

With this update, a new spin-off pass 'Magic Girl's Gorgeous Vacation!' runs until October 8. The spin-off pass is an element that can receive various rewards by playing the game and raising the pass level. You can get a myth-rated summer skin in Europe and America by using the pickup fashion ticket and the cube of your wish as a reward. If you purchase a paid spin-off pass, you can also find separate myth-rated skins and spin-off pass icons.

In addition, the free Legend Experience System has been in operation since the 13th. It is a system that allows you to experience some legends for free for a certain period of time, and the information of free legends grown during the free trial period is stored separately, so if you purchase a legend later, you can get a legend of the same ability. In addition, free legends can be used only 'argument summon' and 'package', allowing legends to grow faster.
