"Caros Percussion Ensemble" will hold a regular concert on the 35th anniversary of its foundation on the 20th

Aug 02, 2024

'Caros Percussion Ensemble' will hold a regular concert on the 35th anniversary of its foundation on the 20th
On the 20th of this month, the world's top percussion organization, 「Caros Percussion Ensemble" (artistic director and conductor Lee Young-wan), will be held at 7:30 p.m. to commemorate the 35th anniversary of its foundation and the 200th anniversary of the premiere of Beethoven's Chorus Symphony at the Seoul Arts Center.

Under the subtitle "Shake the World," this performance is a special arrangement of percussion ensembles, and 250 members of the Union Choir will perform Beethoven's choral symphony along with classic works such as paintings at the Mussorgsky Exhibition and Bizet's Carmen Suite.

Beethoven's Chorus Symphony is a masterpiece performed by numerous orchestras and conductors so far, and it is the first symphony with instrumental music and human voices.

In particular, this performance, which will be presented by percussion and chorus at the same time for the first time in the world, will connect people with the power and influence of music through the mysterious and fantastic performance of the 「Caros Percussion Ensemble」, give the audience the power of music, and further communicate with the world, and present new musical experiences through a wide repertoire.

At the center of this effort is artistic director Lee Young-wan, a percussionist and conductor who specializes in percussion instruments representing Korea. The world's first professional percussion ensemble was founded in 1989 when classical percussion was barren, and he has led and fostered percussion ensembles with genius and passion for 39 years, leading the world's best recognized `Caros Percussion Ensemble.'

He has been actively performing more than 100 times a year, has made more than 10 albums through continuous record work, and has been planning and directing numerous concerts. He served as the chief timpanist of the KBS Symphony Orchestra and is currently leading the world's classical percussion world by directing and directing the music of the 「Caros Percussion Ensemble」.

Finally 'Caros Percussion Ensemble'Lee Young-wan (Artistic Director and Conductor) "This 35th anniversary regular performance is a reinforced program, and we tried to impress the audience with a mysterious and fantastic performance of percussion instruments that fit the absence of "Shake the World."We ask for your cooperation and interest in becoming a more systematic and meaningful event in the future."
