Even if hair loss is not completely cured, it can be delayedWhat are the truths of the six myths?

Aug 30, 2024

Even if hair loss is not completely cured, it can be delayedWhat are the truths of the six myths?
data photo source=Pixabay

Fall is also called the season of hair loss. This is because human hair has a pattern of increasing in spring and decreasing in autumn. Professor Oh-sang Kwon of Dermatology examined hair loss, which is not life-threatening but causes great psychological pain to the person concerned, and various misunderstandings and truths from the causes and treatment methods.

Normal hair repeats the growth phase (3 to 5 years), regression phase (1 month), and rest phase (3 months). In the case of hair loss patients, the growth period is getting shorter, making it difficult for hair to grow long and thick.

Due to this growth cycle, people also molt according to the season. Animals have the most hair in winter to cope with the cold, but human hair is responsible for preventing strong ultraviolet rays, so it increases in spring and decreases from autumn.

Hair loss refers to the absence of hair in areas where hair should normally exist, and hair thinning or losing hair in certain areas is called alopecia. It is largely divided into hair loss (genetic, resting, circular alopecia) in which the hair follicles are maintained and hair loss (scarplastic alopecia) in which they are not maintained.

Among them, 85-90% of all alopecia are hereditary (androgenic) alopecia, and are classified into male and female alopecia. Genes, aging, and male hormones (DHT hormones) are the three main causes, and the population of hereditary alopecia is gradually increasing as the population ages. Environmental factors such as westernized eating habits, excessive diet, and smoking also affect, and obesity is also associated with hair loss as inflammatory substances secreted from the fat layer can worsen hair loss.

Recess alopecia is a symptom of temporary changes in the hair growth cycle due to stress and nutritional deficiencies. In particular, it occurs a lot after childbirth, because female hormones that increased during pregnancy decrease after delivery. Usually, when a child is 100 days old, his or her hair falls out the most, and he or she almost recovers when he or she turns (12 months). Some people who do not recover are likely to be accompanied by female hair loss.

In addition, circular alopecia is caused by autoimmune diseases, and scar-forming alopecia is caused by permanent destruction of hair follicles due to trauma, burns, infection, etc.

In the early stages of hair loss, the hair on the top of the head and bangs becomes thinner compared to the back of the head. In addition, oiliness may increase as hair follicles become smaller and sebaceous glands become larger. Therefore, if you feel your hair is greasy and your comb is softer than usual, you need to pay attention to hair loss. If you are initially diagnosed and start appropriate treatment, you can slow down the progression and expect significant recovery effects. In addition, more than 100 hairs may fall out a day, or hair loss may be suspected if the front hairline gradually rises.

On the other hand, hospitals diagnose hair loss by comprehensively examining the scalp condition, hair density, thickness, and hair loss class. Check whether 50~60 strands of hair fall out more than 5 (10%) when lightly pulled, or check the density, thickness, and growth rate of hair by using hair magnification and hair image analysis. The condition of the hair follicle may be checked through a scalp biopsy.

In the case of hereditary hair loss, it is difficult to cure, but medication can slow or alleviate progression. Initially, 'eating drugs (pinasteride, dutasteride, etc.)' that block the 5-α reductase required for DHT hormone production are mainly used. After progression, use a 'var medicine (minoxidil, etc.)' that stimulates the follicles to promote growth phase entry. There is a synergy effect when using both the medicine you take and the medicine you apply.

Since hair in the growing season grows about 1cm a month, a significant hair growth effect can be achieved by continuing medication for about 6 months. However, hair loss can recur if you stop taking medication because it is as effective as you need lifelong treatment. It is recommended to consult a specialist to determine the appropriate drug and dose.

On the other hand, for hair loss that has progressed a lot, self-transplantation is effective by collecting the back of the head and transplanting it into the front. The back scalp is relatively less expressed in male hormone receptors than the forehead or top of the head, so hair is well maintained even if hair loss becomes severe. Protecting the remaining hair with medication after transplantation can produce the best cosmetic results.

In addition, dormant alopecia naturally recovers over several months when the cause is removed, so efforts to find the cause are the most important. Circular alopecia arising from autoimmune diseases is treated with topical steroids or immunotherapy. In scar formation hair loss, hair transplantation is mainly performed because hair follicles are permanently destroyed and hair regeneration is impossible.

◇ myths and truths related to hair loss

▶When you shave your hair when you are a baby, you will have a lot of hair. X

The number or thickness of hair does not change when you shave or cut your hair, although it may look thicker just by looking at the cross-section of the newly grown hair.

▶Washing your hair frequently promotes hair loss? X

I think the more you wash your hair, the more hair you lose, but it's natural that less than 100 hairs fall out in a day. Washing your hair frequently helps keep your scalp and hair clean, so it is good for preventing hair loss. However, be careful of strong shampoo or hot water that irritates the scalp.

▶If you wear a hat often, hair loss occurs? X

Wearing it frequently is not a problem, but wearing tight hats or wigs for a long time can worsen scalp conditions, such as inflammation of the scalp or folliculitis.

▶ Hair loss is inherited from generation to generation? X

Turbulent oil fields are not true. Even among brothers, the degree of hair loss may be different due to differences in lifestyle and eating habits.

▶ Hair loss is inherited by the mother? △

Hair loss is basically affected by both genetic factors on both sides of the parent. However, since male hormone receptors are on the X chromosome inherited from the mother, certain types of male hair loss can be maternal inherited.

▶ If you pull out your gray hair, you'll have more gray hair? X

There is no more gray hair in the place where gray hair is pulled out. However, it is better to avoid pulling out gray hair because behavior that irritates the hair roots can worsen hair loss.

Professor Kwon Oh-sang explained, "Hair loss is part of the aging phenomenon, and just as aging cannot be stopped, hair loss is also difficult to completely treat. However, it can be improved through early detection and active management, so if you feel your hair is thinning and losing a lot, you should go to the hospital for consultation. "If you continue to practice balanced eating, regular lifestyle, smoking cessation, and stress management, it will help slow down hair loss."," he said.

Even if hair loss is not completely cured, it can be delayedWhat are the truths of the six myths?

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.