Found half of women over 35 years old 'Curine myoma', when do you need surgery?

Aug 22, 2024

Found half of women over 35 years old 'Curine myoma', when do you need surgery?
data photo source=Pixabay

The uterus is a western pear-shaped muscle tissue, about 7.5cm long, about 5cm wide, and about 2.5cm thick, similar to the size of a woman's fist. It weighs 50 to 60 grams. It is located between the bladder and rectum. The lower third of the uterus is called the cervix, and the upper two third is called the uterus.

Uterine myoma is a hormone-dependent disease in which uterine muscle cells proliferate and grow abnormally under the influence of hormones such as estrogen. It is the most common benign tumor among tumors that occur in women and is found in 40-50% of women over the age of 35. The exact cause is not yet known, but it is known that the risk of occurrence increases if you have a family history.

According to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, the number of patients who visited hospitals with uterine fibroids in Korea increased by about 200,000 and 46.8% over the past four years from 435,147 in 2019 to 638,683 last year (2023). By age group, people in their 40s accounted for the most with 232,446 (36.4%), 203,377 (31.4%) in their 50s and 104,844 (16.4%) in their 30s, accounting for 8-9 out of 10 patients. The average number of patients in their 20s was 46 per day, recording 16,756 (2.6%).

Kim Yong-wook, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Catholic University of Korea's Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, said, `Cubular myoma is a common disease found in about half of women over the age of 35, and many live without any symptoms of self-awareness,' but added, `However, since mycoma can lead to infertility, those who plan to become pregnant should plan treatment in advance, and surgical treatment is needed if they grow quickly or are suspected of cancer.'

◇Surgical removal of uterine fibroids or entire uterus...Robotic surgery and laparoscopic surgery reduce burden

Most cases of uterine myoma are asymptomatic. Symptoms appear in about 25% of patients. The main symptoms are excessive menstruation, pelvic pain, constipation, and frequent urination. Excessive menstruation is the most common, and if myoma grows to some extent, it can cause pelvic pain. Sometimes, if the size of the myoma is very large, it can be touched in the lower abdomen. In particular, about 3% of all infertile patients are caused by uterine fibroids, and women of childbearing age should suspect uterine fibroids if menstrual pain increases.

Uterine fibroids are diagnosed by pelvic examination, gynecological ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and in particular, can be easily diagnosed by gynecological ultrasound.

Treatment methods differ depending on the number of myomas, size and location, adhesion of tissue, presence of symptoms, and pregnancy or menopause. If you don't have symptoms or your uterine myoma doesn't grow quickly, you can watch it through regular tests. However, if the symptoms worsen, they are treated with myomectomy, hysterectomy, medication, uterine arterial embolization, and myoma dissolution. When surgical treatment is needed to remove uterine fibroids or the entire uterus, ▶ when uterine fibroids are suspected as the cause of anemia that does not respond to hormone treatment, chronic pelvic pain, infertility or repeated miscarriage, ▶ when malignant tumors are suspected in imaging tests, etc. ▶ When pain increases due to a sudden increase in uterine size, pedigree fibroids become twisted and cause acute pain ▶ when uterine fibroids compress the bladder or ureter and urinary system symptoms are severe.

Professor Kim Yong-wook said, `Although surgery to remove only uterine fibroids or the entire uterus is the most obvious treatment, surgery carries a psychological burden.' `Recently, robotic surgery or laparoscopic surgery has been performed a lot instead of laparotomy, and in particular, single-hole robotic surgery or laparoscopic surgery has the advantage of less pain and no scars, which can greatly reduce the burden.'

◇ Early diagnosis with regular examination once a year after the age of 30... If you're planning a pregnancy, you need to treat it

There is no specific way to prevent uterine myoma. However, studies show that myoma is likely to increase in obese women, and proper exercise and vegetarianism reduce the incidence of myoma. However, the most obvious and easiest way to deal with is early diagnosis and treatment through regular gynecological ultrasound. Professor Kim Yong-wook advised "As uterine myoma usually occurs after the age of 30 and often has no special symptoms, it is necessary to undergo a regular examination by gynecological ultrasound once a year after the age of 30."

Reporter Jang Jong-ho

※Five possible symptoms of uterine myoma

- As the menstrual volume increases, it is accompanied by dizziness symptoms.

-Irregular bleeding or severe menstrual pain.

-Urine often became dry or constipated.

-The lower abdomen is heavy, there is something to be touched, and there are symptoms that the bottom is likely to fall out.

-I have pain when I have sex.

Found half of women over 35 years old 'Curine myoma', when do you need surgery?
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This article was translated by Naver AI translator.