Half-menopausal women's pain 'Atrophic vaginitis', washing too often is rather bad

Aug 20, 2024

Half-menopausal women's pain 'Atrophic vaginitis', washing too often is rather bad
data photo source=Pixabay
#. A (60), a woman who turned 60 this year, is experiencing discomfort these days as the burning and pain felt in the external genitalia is getting worse. Mr. A visited the hospital after contemplating for days and days to see if he was seriously ill. The diagnostic name was 'Atrophic vaginitis (elderly vaginitis)'.

When menopause comes, abnormal signals appear throughout a woman's body due to a decrease in female hormones (estrogen). This is why more women complain of various postmenopausal diseases.

Atrophic vaginitis is a disease caused by decreased ovarian function after menopause, resulting in decreased secretion of female hormones and decreased vaginal self-purification. In addition, it may appear in the case of ovarian removal, chemotherapy or radiation therapy, or early menopause. It usually appears in women in their 50s and 60s or older, and is also called senile vaginitis or non-specific vaginitis. Because it medically causes both vaginal and urinary symptoms, we use the term 'Uroliferative Menopausal Syndrome (GSM)' to describe vaginal atrophy and accompanying symptoms.

Kim Woo-jung, a professor of obstetrics and gynecology at the Catholic University of Korea's Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, explained "When a woman goes through menopause or menopause, the ovaries gradually lose their function, and the hormones secreted from the ovaries also become less functional, making the mucous membrane thinner and dry, and symptoms such as itching, burning, and pain, that is, atrophic vaginitis may appear."

◇Caused by lack of female hormones... Dryness, burning, and discomfort appear

In many cases, atrophic vaginitis in about 50% of menopausal women is mainly caused by a lack of female hormones discharged from the ovaries.

Atrophic vaginitis refers to the thin, dry, inflamed tissue surrounding the vaginal wall.

Often the first sign is lack of lubrication (dryness), which can be felt even during sexual intercourse. They usually complain of burning and discomfort. The second is urinary symptoms, such as urination pain, repeated urinary tract infections, and urgent urination. In particular, itching lasts for a long time and is very severe and does not sink easily, causing repeated scratches, which makes it easier for wounds or bacterial infections to occur. Therefore, if such symptoms appear, it is necessary to immediately visit a hospital for examination and receive appropriate treatment.

In addition, as the vaginal mucosa becomes thinner and vaginal secretions decrease, bleeding easily occurs even with mild stimulation, and bleeding occurs after dyspareunia and dyspareunia. The communion went to hellIn some cases, it is severe enough to express ", and understanding of marital diseases is important.

Treatment includes antibiotic treatment to remove bacteria when severe inflammation or infection is accompanied, but as the root cause is changes due to hormone shortage, treatment is performed to supplement insufficient hormones. In general, systemic or topical estrogen therapy is performed.

Professor Kim Woo-jung said, "The estrogen tablet or cream for vaginal application helps reduce severe pain during sexual intercourse as well as symptoms caused by postmenopausal vaginal atrophy, and the amount of absorption throughout the body is insignificant, so it does not increase the risk of breast cancer." "If a patient refuses to treat female hormones or cannot perform hormone therapy, a water-soluble lubricant can be used to reduce vaginal dryness and to reduce discomfort during sexual intercourse."

◇It's not a cleanliness problem, it's actually bad to wash too often or use soap

It is important to manage atrophic vaginitis from daily life. It can be prevented by vaginal tablets containing female hormones, and by inserting the vaginal tablets into the vagina, it maintains and improves blood flow, epithelial collagen, vaginal skin thickness, elasticity, and acidity, and helps relieve symptoms. In addition, taking low-dose oral female hormone drugs can be helpful. However, in the case of elderly patients, there is a benefit or loss of female hormone drugs, so they should choose after consulting with a specialist.

In addition, atrophic vaginitis is not a disease caused by cleanliness, but rather frequent washing or incorrect washing may worsen symptoms. It is recommended not to use body shampoos or soap when washing too often. To prevent the inflow of bacteria, it is necessary to keep the inside of the vagina at an appropriate acidity, but if you wash it frequently with body shampoos or soap, the acidity of the vagina is also out of balance, making it a good environment for bacteria to live in. Female cleansing can help relieve symptoms, but it is not a fundamental treatment.

Professor Kim Woo-jung said, `Atrophic vaginitis is an uncomfortable disease due to symptoms such as secretions, itching and dyspareunia, but it can happen to anyone when they get older and atrophic vaginitis itself is not a big health problem.' Many women experience atrophic vaginitis, but they are reluctant to reveal it, so they just accept the discomfort, but since there is a simple and effective treatment, they should visit a hospital as soon as symptoms appear.'

Half-menopausal women's pain 'Atrophic vaginitis', washing too often is rather bad
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