Himchan Hospital "MZ Generation's Trendy High-intensity Exercise, Recovery with RICE Therapy"Should Fit Your Body Condition"

Aug 21, 2024

Himchan Hospital 'MZ Generation's Trendy High-intensity Exercise, Recovery with RICE Therapy'Should Fit Your Body Condition'
Data source=Ansplash
Recently, as the MZ generation has increased interest in exercise, various high-intensity functional exercises have been popular. High-intensity exercise is an exercise that allows the heart to reach more than 90% of the highest level of heart rate that can beat for a minute, and it is an exercise method that can maximize its effectiveness by burning large amounts of calories in a short time. It is receiving great response in that it can achieve the best exercise effect in the shortest time, and it should be careful that enjoying intense exercise can lead to large and small injuries and can lead to chronic pain if not treated properly.

In the process of forming a team to encourage each other and achieving goals, you can feel a sense of bond and accomplishment, so you can feel greater satisfaction than working out alone. However, they are not free from the risk of injury as they focus on aerobic exercise, weight exercise, and movements using various devices. When performing difficult movements, sports damage such as fractures or bruises may occur due to poor difficulty and weight control or poor familiarity with the movement.

"In the case of high-intensity exercise conducted in groups, there are cases where you go beyond your limits due to the competitive atmosphere, which can cause excessive fatigue or injury," said Shin Dong-hyeop, head of the orthopedic surgery department at Gangbuk Himchan Hospital. "It is important to maintain accurate motion and strength appropriate to physical conditions. If you have an abnormality in your body during exercise, you need to stop immediately and check for injuries."

◇It is popular for its quick sense of accomplishment, but it also puts a lot of pressure on the body

In the case of high-intensity interval training and functional exercise in the group unit, it helps relieve stress as well as the effect of the exercise itself. In addition to weight exercises such as deadlift, bench press, kettlebell, s? and bare body exercises such as lunges, buffies, and side steps, it is different from repeating simple movements and helps improve basic muscle strength, cardiopulmonary endurance, and quickness.

In addition, unlike working out alone, groups work out together for a certain period of time, so even if the intensity of exercise is high, it is also considered an attraction to be able to support and enjoy each other. It is usually popular with busy office workers because it can maximize the effect in a short time in the process of digesting high-intensity exercise in time and repeating the movement of taking a rest.

However, if the time and goal are set and a large number of people are swept away in the atmosphere of exercising like competing, muscle or ligament injuries can occur due to excessive progress without being familiar with the movement. In addition, as the group progresses and intimacy increases, fractures or sprains may occur while exercising with a device heavier than one's limit by following the intensity of those around them. Even when using a device, if you are a little careless, you may be hit by an exercise device or hit by an opponent due to speed in a program that moves and operates. If you regularly repeat high-intensity programs that are not suitable for your physical condition, fatigue fractures may occur. In particular, even if there is an abnormality in the body, it can lead to chronic pain if it is regarded as a simple fatigue and continues to use the injured area.

◇ Sufficient stretching and quick treatment in case of injury

When sports damage occurs, first aid is important for rapid recovery. RICE therapy, which stabilizes (Rest), ice packs (Ice), compression on the affected area (Elevation), and elevates the affected area (Elevation), is helpful. If the injury is minor, it can be recovered with sufficient rest, but as a group does a certain exercise program together, it may persist even if pain occurs, which can lead to serious injuries.

The most important thing to prevent injuries that can occur during high-intensity exercise is stretching before and after exercise. Since you have to perform high-intensity exercise using your whole body, you should fully relax your upper and lower muscles, joints, and ligaments for 10 to 15 minutes before exercising to increase flexibility and warm up. Exercise movements and postures during the program should be accurately learned from experts and implemented, and when using equipment and equipment, you must learn how to use it properly and comply with safety requirements.

Director Shin Dong-hyeop said, `To prevent injuries, it is also recommended to wear protective equipment such as knees, wrists, palm guards, and lifting belts depending on the contents of the program.'"If you have an abnormality in your body, it is necessary to visit a hospital to identify the exact cause and treat it."

Himchan Hospital 'MZ Generation's Trendy High-intensity Exercise, Recovery with RICE Therapy'Should Fit Your Body Condition'
Provided by data =Him Chan Hospital
