Hong Kong athletes of the Paris Olympics abstained from triathlon"Uniforms were torn"

Aug 02, 2024

Hong Kong athletes of the Paris Olympics abstained from triathlon'Uniforms were torn'
photo source=Beijing News
Hong Kong players who competed in the triathlon at the 2024 Paris Olympics withdrew because their uniforms were taken off.

According to Chinese media, including Beijing News, Hong Kong's Wu Tailong, who competed in the men's triathlon at the Seine River in Paris, France on July 31 (local time), suddenly withdrew from the event.

It was because the zipper on the back of the triathlon suit broke and the clothes started to come off.

He claimed that as soon as the game began, another player pulled his clothes and the zipper broke. It was only two minutes after the course started.

He "I stopped somewhere and tried to organize my clothes, but my zipper broke, so I couldn't organize it."Wept.

Then "The water continued to flow through the spread uniforms, which slowed down and the game could no longer proceed." he said.

Eventually, in the 1500 m swimming section, he finished 53rd, and in the subsequent cycling events, he gave up after a few laps.

He said "I've been preparing for the Olympics for four years and I'm angry and sad because it broke in just two minutes."

Chinese netizens "Does it make sense to give up the game?", "Sportsmanship is missing" and "How bad are the clothes?" are the responses.
