"I missed the plane while drinking coffee"Survival in Brazilian plane crash

Aug 12, 2024

'I missed the plane while drinking coffee'Survival in Brazilian plane crash
Photo source=NBC, SNS
A mid-sized plane crashed in Brazil, killing all passengers, and a man saved his life thanks to coffee.

According to foreign media such as NBC and G1, a medium-sized passenger plane crashed in a residential area in Sao Paulo, Brazil on the 9th (local time).

The plane was an ATR-72 twin-engine turbo-prop plane that left Cascabeu, Parana, for Guarulos, Sao Paulo, and landed near a residential area near the highway in Vinedu, Sao Paulo at the time of the accident.

The 68-person aircraft was carrying 61 people, including 57 passengers and four crew members, all of whom were found dead.

The airline initially announced 62 passengers, including 58 passengers and four crew members, but revised it to 61.

It was something that one person didn't ride.

The miraculous passenger was a man named Adriano Assis.

He arrived at the airport check-in counter at 9:40 a.m. after finishing his hospital shift, but no one was there. It was more than two hours before takeoff.

As a result, I was drinking a cup of coffee and looking at the airport's electronic display that guided me to depart and arrive.

I enjoyed so much 'Relaxed' that check-in time passed.

I begged the airline staff to let me board, to no avail.

I even got into a verbal fight with him, but I ended up having to give up boarding. Ashish, who heard the breaking news that the plane had crashed shortly afterwards, swept away his surprised heart.

He said "Coffee and the staff saved my life"He sent condolences to the victims.

Meanwhile, Brazilian air traffic authorities are investigating the exact circumstances of the accident based on the black boxes collected at the scene.

'I missed the plane while drinking coffee'Survival in Brazilian plane crash
Adrianousis. Photo Source=G1
