In summer, take care of facial trauma. If you lose your teeth, move to milk and saline solution

Aug 09, 2024

In summer, take care of facial trauma. If you lose your teeth, move to milk and saline solution
data photo source=Pixabay
As outdoor activities increase in summer, the number of trauma patients is also increasing rapidly. In particular, facial trauma causes many problems in terms of function and beauty, and in severe cases, it is sometimes difficult to restore normal function due to the diverse prognosis of treatment. First of all, it is of paramount importance to prevent trauma by wearing appropriate protective gear during leisure or hobby activities. Nevertheless, if you have a trauma, you should visit the specialist quickly. We will learn more about facial trauma with Professor Jeong Jae-woong of oral and maxillofacial surgery at Gangdong Kyunghee University Hospital.

▶ Many facial trauma caused by falls, traffic accidents, and leisure activities

The most common causes of trauma in the area of the oral maxillofacial (mouth, jaw, face) include falls, collisions, traffic accidents, violence, and sports damage. In particular, due to the increase in leisure time and the increase in interest in various leisure activities, the number of ordinary people participating in sports activities in addition to professional athletes is increasing, and related trauma is increasing. About 35 to 50% of athletes who have experienced trauma from sports with a lot of physical contact have been reported to have trauma experience in the oral maxillofacial area, so the oral maxillofacial area is closely related to sports damage.

▶Many sports trauma in the summer season are 'Dental fracture, gum bone, and facial bone fracture'

In fact, the incidence of oral maxillofacial trauma tends to increase noticeably during the summer, especially on weekends. This seems to be related to outdoor and leisure activities. Commonly observed sports trauma includes soft tissue damage, fracture and dislocation of teeth, fracture of the gum bone, and fracture of the facial bone, including the jaw bone. When such damage occurs, swelling and heat, tenderness, limitation of jaw range, abnormal engagement of upper and lower teeth, nosebleeds, limitation of eye movement, and symptoms of two objects may occur.

▶ When dislocating a tooth, put it in saline solution or milk

It is most important to visit a specialized medical institution to accurately evaluate the area and degree of damage in case of oral cavity facial trauma. In particular, when a tooth is damaged, the prognosis of a completely dislocated tooth is greatly affected by immediate and appropriate first aid immediately after the injury. It is best not to hold the root of the dislocated tooth and to move to a medical institution with a clean wipe with physiological saline, milk, saliva, etc. and re-positioned at the foot. If you are in a difficult situation after being re-elected, you should visit a medical institution wrapped in gauze soaked in the liquid.

▶ In case of severe facial bone fracture, fixed surgery is required

Even if the degree of fracture is mild or the fracture line is observed, treatment can be promoted by limiting the movement of the jawbone if there is no potential of the fracture piece. As a way to limit the movement of the jawbone, a simple fixing method using a compression band or a facial compression band, or a gap fixing that firmly fixes the upper and lower teeth with occlusion is performed.

If multiple fractures, severe dislocation of the fracture piece, resulting malocclusion, and limitation of eye movement are accompanied, surgical treatment is performed to re-position the dislocated fracture piece and fix it with a metal plate. When damage to the lower jawbone, especially the jaw joint, is accompanied, it is commonly observed that the jaw range decreases and the mouth does not open well. In this case, rehabilitation treatment can be performed at a stable time after surgical treatment to restore normal opening.

▶ Surgery aims to restore function and reduce aesthetic impairment

Due to its externally exposed nature, the maxillofacial area is more likely to be damaged by external force than other areas, and the pattern of damage is diverse. Therefore, it is an important concern for patients with maxillofacial trauma whether it can be treated without leaving an aesthetic impairment at the same time as functional recovery such as opening, occlusal, and authoring. Therefore, the ultimate goal of treatment is to improve the quality of life through normal facial expression recovery at the same time as the restoration of the occlusal relationship before the damage and the authoring function. In order to achieve these two goals simultaneously, it is important that the damage is evaluated as early as possible and treated appropriately by professional medical personnel.

▶Facial trauma prevention starts from wearing mouth protection devices

Wearing oral protective devices is very important to prevent trauma to the oral and maxillofacial area during leisure or sports activities. Oral protection is known to directly protect teeth and tissues around teeth from external force and effectively reduce damage to the area by alleviating impact on the jaw joint and jawbone, cranial floor, brain, and neck. The most commonly used oral protection device is the mouth guard, which has better protection against damage than off-the-shelf personalized mouth guards and less discomfort when worn.

Professor Jeong Jae-woong said, `Recently, various personal mobile devices are expanding beyond simple means of transportation to the leisure area, and the damage to the axillary area is also increasing rapidly. Therefore, it is essential to wear an appropriate helmet when using a personal mobile device, and a full-face helmet that can protect the entire axillary face must be worn," he said.

In summer, take care of facial trauma. If you lose your teeth, move to milk and saline solution
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