It's a perfect day to take a bath. Bear's relaxation in warm water

Aug 27, 2024

It's a perfect day to take a bath. Bear's relaxation in warm water
Photo source=KTLA
A bear bathing in a jacuzzi (a bathtub that generates bubbles in the water) installed outside a house in the United States is a hot topic.

According to U.S. media such as KTLA, a bear appeared in a log cabin in San Bernardino County, California, on the afternoon of the 25th (local time).

According to CCTV footage, the bear wandered around the terrace outside the house and became interested in a simple pool made of jacuzzi and vinyl.

The bear opened the cover of the jacuzzi and went inside and soaked himself in hot water for a while. After that, he is playing with a long tube floating in the swimming pool and cooling his body with cold water.

After some time, the bear went back to the forest.

The owner of the house who watched the video said, "'I never thought a bear would appear.'" After the bear left, I checked the pool and found that it was scratched by its claws and all the water disappeared," he said.

Netizens are saying "Has the warm water relieved you of your fatigue?", "It's a smart bear". "Maybe he peed in a jacuzzi?" posted comments such as.