Korea University Anam Hospital "High-risk fetuses give birth to health through multidisciplinary treatment"

Aug 07, 2024

The most desired thing during pregnancy is a healthy birth. However, early diagnosis of the fetus is widely performed because newborns can be born with deformities or diseases large and small for various reasons. Various tests conducted from early pregnancy monitor the development of the fetus and help detect deformities or diseases early.

In the case of detecting congenital diseases or fetal abnormalities through tests, the health of the fetus can be improved through active intervention.

Korea University Anam Hospital's Center for Integrated Treatment of High-Risk Maternal and Neonatal Care is conducting 'High-Risk Fetal Multidisciplinary Treatment' that enables a healthy birth through active treatment for abnormalities found in fetal testing. Although this multidisciplinary treatment is not currently supported by the medical system, experts in various fields such as obstetrics and gynecology, pediatric thoracic surgery, pediatric orthopedic surgery, and pediatric neurology are working together for the precious life and health of the fetus.

Fetal examinations are typically conducted in a variety of ways, including ultrasound, maternal blood tests, amniotic fluid tests, chorionic tests, fetal blood and fluid tests. Ultrasonography is a basic test that observes the growth and development of the fetus, and confirms the structure and function of the fetus's heartbeat and each organ in the body. If it is not clearly confirmed by ultrasound, fetal MRI can be used. In maternal blood tests, blood from pregnant women is collected to examine genetic diseases, infections, endocrine, metabolism, and immunological diseases, and chromosomal abnormalities can be identified along with genetic analysis of the fetus through amniotic fluid tests and chorionic tests. The fetal blood and body fluid can check the health status in the uterus.

Abnormalities found during fetal testing include genetic diseases such as Down's syndrome, Edward's syndrome, Patau's syndrome, and microdefections, and structural abnormalities such as deficits, heart deformities, skeletal deformities, and urinary tract deformities. If these abnormalities are found, the high-risk fetal multidisciplinary treatment team will come up with immediate countermeasures to establish a treatment plan to maximize the health of the fetus, and conduct multidisciplinary treatment involving pregnant women, guardians, and professors specializing in fetal and neonatal diseases.

In particular, direct medical intervention can be made in situations that threaten the life or health of the fetus. Problems can also be solved before birth through fetal surgery using an endoscope, including drug treatment for the mother or fetus. Fetal shunt, fetal endoscopic laser, and EXIT procedures are representative examples.

Professor Ki-Hoon Ahn, who leads high-risk fetal multidisciplinary care, said "High-risk fetal multidisciplinary care can play an important role in helping a healthy birth through early diagnosis and treatment of the fetus"It is an effort to provide a better future for the fetus that experts in each field work together to continue these treatments." He then stressed that "policy and social attention is needed, such as setting realistic fees for multidisciplinary treatment for the life and health of the fetus in relation to the low birth rate and low birth rate issues."

Korea University Anam Hospital 'High-risk fetuses give birth to health through multidisciplinary treatment'
