"Male gets angry at the actress' comments "Potential" Rapegiver""

Aug 16, 2024

'Male gets angry at the actress' comments 'Potential' Rapegiver''
Indian healthcare workers and citizens staging candlelight protests. Kolkata (India) = AFP Yonhap News
An Indian actress is controversial for referring to men as `potential rapists.'

According to foreign media such as the Hindustan Times and Mint News, after a young Indian female doctor was sexually murdered in a hospital, actress Gulshanara Khatun said on social media that she believes that "all men are potential rapists..."Let's shout again...You can break up your friendship at will."

Also "The threat of rape has already begun and calls from (good friends) are continuing"Not all men are rapists, but rapists are men."

After posting the article, criticism from fellow actors as well as netizens poured out.

One actor pointed out that "the murder of a female doctor is angry, but your remarks are excessive" while another pointed out that "not all men are rapists." Men, like women, can suffer humiliation and sexual assault."

They also stay safe thanks to men "Don't generalize", ", Some pointed out, "It is important to recognize that all victims, regardless of gender, need equal legal protection and social support.".

Meanwhile, on the 9th (local time), a 31-year-old female trainee who fell asleep after working at the National Medical College Hospital in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, died after being beaten and sexually assaulted. Investigators arrested a volunteer as a suspect.

Since then, hundreds of thousands of medical professionals and citizens have demonstrated across India with signs and candles such as 'No sex discrimination', 'Severe sexual assault','Establishment of measures to protect women'.

'Male gets angry at the actress' comments 'Potential' Rapegiver''
굴샤나라 카툰. Photo Source=Instagram
