Nowon Eulji Hospital and Simpyeongwon Earn Grade 1 in succession in various adequacy evaluations

Aug 02, 2024

Nowon Eulji University Hospital (Hospital Director Yoo Tak-geun) has demonstrated the excellence of medical services by receiving a series of first-class grades in the recently announced publication of the adequacy evaluation of the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service.

In particular, the acute stroke evaluation has maintained the first grade for 19 years since the first evaluation began in 2006 until the 10th evaluation this year, and has achieved excellent results in drug benefit adequacy evaluation and anesthesia adequacy evaluation in four areas.

This assessment of the adequacy of acute stroke was conducted on 249 medical institutions nationwide who treated acute stroke patients from October 2022 to March 2023. In particular, ▲ intravenous thrombolytic agent administration rate (within 60 minutes/4.5 hours) ▲ received a perfect score of 100 in the early rehabilitation evaluation rate, etc., and scored above average in various monitoring indicators.

In order to reduce the misuse of drugs and promote proper use, ▲ prescription of antibiotics for acute upper respiratory tract infection ▲ prescription of antibiotics for acute lower respiratory tract infection ▲ prescription rate for injections ▲ number of drug items per prescription were all rated first in the drug benefit adequacy evaluation. Proving good treatment results while prescribing fewer antibiotics. In addition, he achieved a comprehensive score of 99.9 in the anesthetic adequacy evaluation, achieving the first grade for the third consecutive time.

Director of the hospital Yoo Tak-geun "Our hospital proved once again that it is a safe and prompt hospital with a succession of Grade 1 in various adequacy evaluations.""In particular, the stroke adequacy assessment, which has been maintained in the first grade for 19 years, is a valuable achievement made by excellent medical staff and systematic treatment processes over a long period of time, so it will continue to serve as a key medical institution responsible for severe diseases directly related to life.""

Nowon Eulji Hospital and Simpyeongwon Earn Grade 1 in succession in various adequacy evaluations
Nowon Eulji University Hospital panoramic view