Repeating for no reason 'Constitution', how to treat oriental medicine?
Aug 25, 2024
Professor Lee Chang-hoon of Gangdong Kyunghee University Oriental Medicine Hospital summarized women's constipation and treatment.
◇ Constipation signal if the bowel cycle is extended for more than 3 days
It takes at least 16 hours to 36 hours to ingest food and turn into feces, and the maximum takes 72 hours (3 days). Eating more meat than fiber can take longer than this. Therefore, it can be seen as a signal that the bowel movement is not smooth if the bowel movement cycle is prolonged and exceeds 3 days. If the stool stays in the intestine for a long time, water absorption increases, making the stool hard, and causing pain in the anus when defecating. Fecal accumulation in the intestine causes farts with a strong smell, abdominal distention, abdominal pain, and residual defecation as if they remain unfresh after defecation.
◇Caused by incorrect eating habits and unprovoked bowel movement
In feces, water accounts for 75%, undigested food accounts for 15-20%, and bacteria account for 5%. In the case of primary constipation without a clear cause, basically, for normal defecation, you need to consume enough water and fiber to make a comfortable defecation, but insufficient fiber or water intake can cause constipation. In addition, intestinal activity can also cause problems, and if the movement is smooth, it plays a role in promoting discharge, and as the amount of activity decreases, it can cause constipation.
◇ It occurs more in women than in men due to the influence of female hormones
In addition, it occurs well because digestion and activity decrease with age, and women of childbearing age often complain of constipation before menstruation. This is because progesterone, a hormone secreted after ovulation, inhibits uterine contraction and also inhibits intestinal contraction, which slows ovulation activity and causes swelling and skin problems. In addition, problems with the digestive organs involved in digestion, such as liver (肝), gall (膽), and pancreas (膵臟), or long-term medication to treat existing diseases or depression such as hypothyroidism and diabetes nerve damage, can cause constipation.
◇ Improve lifestyle habits such as balanced meals and regular exercise first
In order to escape from constipation, it is most important to improve your lifestyle first. The first is to maintain a biorhythm with a regular diet and a balanced diet. To reduce the amount of time food stays in the intestine, high consumption of fruit vegetable unrefined whole grains and sufficient hydration to soften feces should be required. The second is to exercise regularly. Walking exercise for 20 to 30 minutes after meals can also improve intestinal motility and relieve constipation.
◇ If you have chronic constipation, help with oriental medicine medication
If chronic constipation is repeated due to bad lifestyle habits for a long time, lifestyle improvement and medication should be combined. In oriental medicine, when treating constipation, the constitution is classified and treated by dividing it into perjury (虛證) and demonstration (實證). In oriental medicine, perjury refers to the lack of regularity or weakened resistance of the ledger, and demonstration indicates that the spirit of 邪 is strong or the fight against fraud and regularity is fierce.
Empirical constipation refers to constipation caused by excessive absorption of water due to high heat in the large intestine. Stress is the main cause, and the stool is often hard, black, and round. In this case, a type of 承 湯 medicine using rhubarb, mangcho, jisil, and gourd is used to clean the stomach corresponding to Yang Myung-kyung, release the formed stomach, and soften the hardened ones.
Perjury constipation literally refers to constipation caused by weakness of the body. This includes constipation caused by a serious illness, old age, or sudden diet. The stool is dilute and has a great sense of residual stool. In this case, the 陰血 (滋養) must be nourished and the dried one must be moistened to give it a shine, so drugs such as yinjo-tang (潤燥湯) using angelica, Jihwang, Doin, Majain, and gold are used.
◇ Risk of colon cancer if left unattended for a long time
If you look at the statistics on cancer incidence in 2021, the most common cancer in Korea is thyroid cancer, and the second is colon cancer. It can be said that the number of colorectal cancer patients has increased due to the westernization of eating habits, high-fat diet, frequent meat consumption, and reduced activity.
High-fat foods or meat release a lot of toxic substances during the digestion process, and there is no problem if it is discharged quickly into the feces, but if it is stagnant for a long time, more toxic substances accumulate and irritate the mucous membrane of the large intestine, leading to disease.
Professor Lee Chang-hoon advised "Constitution can prevent secondary diseases by quickly resolving uncomfortable self-awareness symptoms that usually appear, so if you have early symptoms, it is recommended to actively treat them."
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.