"Russia deploys balloons'fake submarines' to induce attacks on Ukraine"

Aug 21, 2024

'Russia deploys balloons'fake submarines' to induce attacks on Ukraine'
photo source=enabled news
Russia, which is at war with Ukraine, has been spotted deploying a life-sized 'fake submarine'.

The U.S. Navy's military and weapons magazine 'Nable News' analyzed satellite images recently obtained and found that the Russian Navy had deployed a model of a kilogram-sized balloon submarine at Sevastopol Port.

Satellite images also show a balloon model of a kilo-class submarine next to the dock of the Russian Black Sea Fleet No. 13 ship repair plant at Sevastopol Military Port, it said.

Sutton, a submarine expert, argued that the Russian submarine model could be used to lure Ukraine into attacks in the future to avoid greater losses to the Black Sea fleet.

As a result, the Ukrainian military's recent announcement that it had sunk a kilo-class submarine of Russia's Black Sea Fleet raised questions.

Ukrainian forces claimed to have sunk a Russian submarine in an airstrike in Sevastopol on the 2nd.

According to a report by the Ukrainian military, it was the Russian Black Sea Fleet's kilo-class submarine 'Rostovnadonu' that sank.

However, the submarine was severely damaged by a Ukrainian airstrike in September last year. The British Ministry of Defence said at the time that the ship had suffered irreversible 'catastrophic damage'. Some point out that it is not convincing that the repair was completed in less than a year and then attacked again.
