Squeezed between the fleeing thief buildings, the rescue team 'Excuse'

Aug 21, 2024

Squeezed between the fleeing thief buildings, the rescue team 'Excuse'
photo source=Causod News
A thief in Thailand fell from a rooftop while fleeing and got stuck between buildings.

According to Thai media such as Channel 7 and Kaosod News, Mueang Kanchanaburi police were dispatched on the 19th (local time) after receiving a report that there was a thief.

Police inside the building began chasing thieves fleeing to the rooftop. The thief, who fled to the rooftop, jumped to the roof of another building and fell into a 50cm wide gap between the buildings.

The thief, who was injured in the crash, was unable to move. In addition, the width was too narrow for the police to pull him out.

Eventually, the rescue team was dispatched and succeeded in pulling out the thief. After an hour, the criminal came out with a sprained ankle, a scratch all over his body, and was exhausted.

The police plan to continue the investigation as soon as the criminal recovers.
