Tourists scribbling family names on the walls of Pompeii's historic site 'Complaint'

Aug 08, 2024

Tourists scribbling family names on the walls of Pompeii's historic site 'Complaint'
photo source=Pompei Historic Site Management Office, Daily Mail
A British tourist who scribbled on the wall of the historic site of Pompeii, Italy, has been caught.

According to foreign media such as the Daily Mail, Italian police recently arrested a 37-year-old British tourist who scribbled on the wall of the Pompeii site 'Vestal's House'.

Built 2000 years ago, the House of Lady Vestal is a famous UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Using a blunt tool, the man engraved the initials of his and his daughter's family members, including 'JW, LMW, MW, MLAW', and the date of his visit, July 8, 2024.

Historic site management staff found a 'Depaper' after the man near the 'Vestal house' left, and reported it to police and authorities.

The man apologized for his actions and made excuses that he wanted to record his family's visits to historic sites.

A man arrested on charges of damaging cultural heritage must pay a large restoration fee, local media said.

Earlier in June, a 27-year-old Dutch man who scribbled on the walls of the Herculaneum site near Pompeii was arrested and fined about 40,000 euros (about 60 million won).

At the time, he left his signature on the mural with a black magic pen, causing outrage.

As tourists frequently doodle historical sites, there are claims that the amount of fines should be much higher.