Up to KRW 280,000 for the 'Muscle Bar' service fee

Aug 02, 2024

Up to KRW 280,000 for the 'Muscle Bar' service fee
photo source=Mustle Girls Bar homepage
A bar that provides a service for muscular women to hit and hug customers has emerged in Japan, making headlines.

According to foreign media such as QQCOM and the South China Morning Post, the Tokyo-based fitness-themed bar 'Muscle Girls Bar' is attracting customers with unusual services.

Here, muscular waitresses such as jiu-jitsu players, fitness influencer, professional wrestlers, and actresses work as employees.

You can order drinks, alcoholic beverages, or foods like anywhere else, but there is a menu called 'Special'.

Waitresses receive services such as being slapped or kicked by them.

Customers can use the service by paying the so-called 'muscle coin', which costs up to 30,000 yen (about 280,000 won).

Waitresses crush grapefruit with their bare hands to make the most popular cocktail at the bar.

Customers can also get on their shoulders while the waitress is squatting, and the fee depends on the customer's weight.

The waitress 'maru', who weighs about 50 kg, can lift a 130 kg man in her arms like a princess.

Bar manager 'Hari', who served as a fitness influencer on YouTube, opened the bar in 2020 after the COVID-19 pandemic forced gyms to close.

Hari, who has also been a volleyball player since childhood, said she is confident in her slap intensity and skills.

A Japanese male customer smiled after being slapped, saying, "Thanks to the pain, I was able to forget all my worries," he said.

Hari says "The rumours spread after he slapped an Australian guest, and his friends are coming on purpose to get the slap service."

Netizens are saying, "It's sadistic to relieve stress after being hit by a slap"," neither the customer nor the employee can understand.", "There are a lot of really unique places in Japan."

Up to KRW 280,000 for the 'Muscle Bar' service fee
Photo source=SNS
