Using 3D Microelectrodes, Successful Retinal Function Analysis in 'Artificial Mini Retinal'

Aug 01, 2024

The results of a study confirming the function of the retina in retinal organoids in a non-invasive manner were found.

A joint research team led by Professor Lee Joon-won of ophthalmology at Gangnam Severance Hospital, Professor Byun Seok-ho of Severance Hospital, and Professor Park Jang-woong of Yonsei University's Department of New Materials Engineering announced on the 1st that they accurately analyzed electrical signals in the process of retinal development using three-dimensional liquid metal microelectrodes in retinal organoids.

The retina, one of the most important tissues in visual function, converts light impulses that enter the eye into electrical signals and transmits them to the brain. Macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and glaucoma, which are major causes of blindness, are all diseases that occur on the retina.

Organoids, organoids made by culturing or recombining stem cells, are sometimes referred to as "mini organs". It is used for purposes such as disease models and new drug development.

To analyze human organs, including the retina, tissue must be collected.

The retina, like the brain, cannot obtain tissue because its function is severely damaged when tissue is collected. This is why mini-organ development technology is more important in retinal research.

The research team developed a three-dimensional microelectrode with liquid metal to analyze the function of artificial mini-retinas. Although there has been an analysis based on electrical methods in the past, the fluorescence expression method indirectly measures the function of the mini retina, making it difficult to observe actual retinal cell function. The solid-state electrode method had a high risk of damage to the structure and cells of the mini retina.

The research team electrically analyzed the developmental stage of the retina by targeting retinal ganglion cells inside the mini retina with three-dimensional microelectrodes. Unlike conventional methods, the three-dimensional microelectrode used in the analysis not only accurately targeted the interior of the mini-organ, but also continuously recorded nerve activity for a long time without damaging the cells.

Through this, it was confirmed that the mini-retinal showed synaptic connectivity similar to that of the primitive retina of the human fetus.

Professor Lee Jun-won was able to analyze the function of the mini-retinal non-invasive and continuous using a three-dimensional microelectrode"This study confirmed the possibility of using organoids in reproducing the functional properties of the real human retina, and we expect it to be of great help in understanding retinal diseases and developing treatments in the future." The study was published in the latest issue of the international journal Advanced Materials (IF 27.4).

Using 3D Microelectrodes, Successful Retinal Function Analysis in 'Artificial Mini Retinal'
From left, Professor Lee Jun-won, Professor Byun Seok-ho, and Professor Park Jang-woong