What's good about taking off all your clothes and sleeping naked?

Aug 02, 2024

What's good about taking off all your clothes and sleeping naked?
data photo source=Pixabay
As temperatures rise, people often sleep with minimal clothes. Some sleep naked at all.

What are the benefits of your health if you take off all your clothes and sleep.

A study suggests that sleeping naked can help lower a person's central body temperature, improving weight loss and improving fertility in men.

According to a 2012 study conducted by the U.S. National Institutes of Health, the temperature of the sleeping environment is one of the key factors in achieving quality sleep.

"If it's too cold or too hot, there's a risk of affecting rapid eye movement sleep, a stage of sleep that refreshes the brain and body," the research team said at the time. "Sleeping in the body is one way to stay cool under the blanket."

According to a 2018 study published in the Journal of Applied Physiology at the American Physiology Society, wounds heal faster than sleeping in clothes when you are naked.

In addition, according to a study published on the Sleep Foundation website, wearing tight underwear increases the temperature of men's scrotum.

The research team said "This may reduce sperm vitality and number. Therefore, wearing trunks instead of tight underwear can affect sperm concentration in men. "

In addition, according to a 2014 study conducted by the American Diabetes Association, nudity sleep is also effective in weight loss.

The research team says "Keeping the body cooler at night can help improve calorie burning ability."It was confirmed that brown fat activity involved in body temperature control and metabolic activities increased when exposed to cool temperatures of about 19 degrees Celsius in men in 2014," he said.

However, preconditions are needed to sleep naked.

It is necessary to maintain an appropriate level of indoor temperature, and symptoms may worsen after nudity sleep if the bowel is usually bad or there is a disease in the uterus. Even if you sweat a lot, it's better to sleep in baggy clothes.
