Why do my teeth get cold when I eat cold noodles and ice cream?

Aug 01, 2024

Why do my teeth get cold when I eat cold noodles and ice cream?
data photo source=Pixabay

Is there a refresher like cold noodles in the scorching heat? No matter how strong the heat is, you can forget the heat for a while with a bowl of cold naengmyeon. Recently, more and more people visit Pyongyang naengmyeon here and there, and many people visit Pyongyang naengmyeon restaurants across the country to visit the Holy Land. However, there are some people who feel sick just watching the cool cold noodles across the river. It's because of Sirin.

Dentists call Shireen a warning sound about poor dental health.

Professor Kang Min-na of the dentist at the Catholic University of Korea's Incheon St. Mary's Hospital explained, `Shirin is the same reason that when you put your hand on the ice, you feel cold at first, but you feel severe pain over time.'

▶The reason for the cold is the wrong lifestyle

The reason my teeth ache is because the nerves in my teeth are exposed to the outside. Teeth consist of hard 'enamel' of the outer layer and the yellow 'enamel' in it. The dentine has invisible but microscopic holes. This hole is connected to the nerve and can react sensitively to external stimuli when exposed. Therefore, if enamel is worn out due to wrong habits or aging phenomena, or dentine is exposed to the outside due to tooth decay or gum disease, the nerves are naturally stimulated and the teeth ache.

The biggest cause of Shilin is its lifestyle. If you rub your teeth hard or drink a lot of soda while brushing your teeth, the enamel may come off and your teeth may ache. In addition, there are people who grind their teeth while sleeping, and even in this case, the physical force applied to the teeth reaches two to three times the usual level, which can cause shirring. In addition, the habit of biting your teeth or chewing and eating ice or candy without melting them when eating them also causes tooth aging. In particular, Koreans eat a lot of tough food, and for this reason, there are overwhelmingly more cases of cracking or breaking teeth than foreigners.

▶ Proper brushing is the basic of preventing cold teeth

In order to prevent Shilin, steady and accurate brushing is the basic. Rather than moving the toothbrush from side to side, brushing is laid at 45 degrees and gently swept from the gums to the teeth. The starting point is near the boundary between the teeth and the gums, and each tooth is swept about 20 times. It's better to hold it lightly with your fingers rather than your palms and brush your teeth so that brushing doesn't work.

Neglecting Shilin can cause inflammation at the root end and kill tooth nerves. The nerve may be necrotic and eventually lose the tooth itself. In addition, if you don't chew enough food because of Sirin, it can interfere with digestion. It is important to accurately identify the cause.

Sometimes people say that their teeth ache after scaling, but scaling is not about cutting teeth, but removing plaque and tartar attached between teeth. The tooth roots, which have already been revealed due to advanced gum disease, can be easily damaged by scaling or periodontal treatment, but if they are left as they are, worse situations will result from tartar or plaque.

Professor Kang Min-na said, `Most people tend not to think that teeth are living tissues because they are hard, but teeth are living tissues that have nerves and blood vessels inside and respond to various situations"Even if your teeth ache when you're being scaled, you don't have to worry too much about it as it naturally improves after a certain amount of time "

▶The use of Shilin's exclusive toothpaste also helps with treatment

Sirin treatment is basically performed by blocking the exposed dentine surface. There is a way to fill in the worn area by using a filling. It also uses materials such as fluoride to bind to calcium in the teeth to block holes in the ivory tubules.

It is also helpful for Sirin to purchase and use a dedicated toothpaste. Shirin's exclusive toothpaste contains ingredient particles that can block exposed ivory customs.

Professor Kang Min-na advised "Since the function of removing plaque is weak in the case of a dedicated toothpaste, if you brush it three times a day, it is helpful to manage the cleanliness of your teeth by using a regular toothpaste or a toothpaste for removing plaque once."

Why do my teeth get cold when I eat cold noodles and ice cream?
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This article was translated by Naver AI translator.