'Women-only parking lots are 20% more gender discrimination'

Aug 30, 2024

'Women-only parking lots are 20% more gender discrimination'
women's parking space (left) and general parking space. Photo Source=TikTok

There are parking spaces exclusively for women in large supermarkets, shopping malls, and department stores in Korea.

It is an area originally designed because it is often accompanied by children and can be exposed to various crimes.

However, in foreign countries, it is pointed out that 'gender discrimination'.

Comedian Choccy Dan, who is gaining popularity on TikTok, criticized the female-only parking lot on Pier Street in Perth, Australia, as a gender-discriminating space. Pointing to a pink female parking sign, he said "The most ridiculous thing I've ever seen."

He then lied in the space and posed, claiming that "20% is wider than a regular parking space."

He stressed that `The City of Perth, which has created a disgusting and sexist parking lot, must be held accountable.'

The pros and cons were confronted online.

Some netizens said "Women often carry strollers, so they should be considerate.", While others are more likely to be targeted for crime, they are in favor of women-only parking lots, such as "For Safety". The driver of the vehicle who parks there will be a woman, posting comments such as"',"What matters is not the area of the space, but installing it in a safe place","logical analysis".

'Women-only parking lots are 20% more gender discrimination'
Photo source=틱톡

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.