"A 14% growth hormone deficiency in short children, the risk of growth disorders should be identified."
Sep 05, 2024
According to an analysis of data from 100 children and adolescents who visited the hospital due to slow growth, 14 out of 100 children and adolescents had growth hormone deficiency. Of the 14 patients with growth hormone deficiency, less than the 300th percentile, which is medically classified as hypotension, was 8 and the remaining 6 were higher.
Park Hye-young, chairman of the Bareun Growth Clinic at Himchan General Hospital in Incheon, said, `Growth hormone is a hormone that stimulates not only bone growth but also body growth, development, and regeneration. Lack of growth hormone does not reach the average growth rate and reduces metabolic effects.' `It is important to identify the exact cause of the short height as there is a risk of growth hormone deficiency, even if it is not hypotension below the 300th percentile.'
◇ It's not an absolute indicator of the percentile. We need to check the bone age
Low kidney disease is less than 3% tall in the normal height distribution of children of the same gender and age, and is the third shortest among 100 children, which is about 10 cm shorter than the average height of children of the same age. As a result of this survey, 8 out of 14 people diagnosed with growth hormone deficiency were less than the 3rd percentile and 6 out of 3rd percentile or higher. This means that growth hormone deficiency is the cause of slow growth, but not all are necessarily hypotension. All 14 people with growth hormone deficiency were found to be below the bottom 10th percentile.
However, when analyzing the bone age of six people with growth hormone deficiency or higher, it was confirmed that two people were more than 12 months late in bone age and four people were more than 24 months late. It should be viewed as a sign that the current growth rate should be checked through bone age, which varies greatly. Bone age is an important metric for predicting final adult height by comparing the actual full age (calendar age) with the current height, and a useful indicator for identifying the cause of growth disorders and establishing appropriate treatment strategies. Usually, the difference between bone age and calendar age can be viewed as a normal category if it is less than 12 months. Therefore, it is important to look at bone age rather than only evaluating percentile in order to draw out the causes and potential growth factors of growth delay.
In fact, the survey found that 54% of cases were inconsistent with the difference between bone age and full age. Among them, 23% were different in bone age for more than 24 months (13 in the front, 10 in the back), and 31% were different for 12 months or more (12 in the front, 19 in the back). The greater the deviation between bone age and age, the higher the risk of growth disorders. If the bone age is significantly ahead, the predicted growth can stop quickly, and if it is more than 24 months behind, there is a risk of growth disorder due to growth hormone deficiency. Therefore, it is important to check your child's growth status through a test at an appropriate time rather than simply judging by height.
◇Suitable time for growth test for children aged 8 to 9
If you are worried about your child's height shorter than your peers, it is necessary to comprehensively identify the causative disease, nutritional status, sleep time, hormone deficiency and growth plate damage, bone age and growth potential through various tests. In addition, for correct prediction, potential growth factors should be increased and risk factors should be corrected by referring to various indicators such as hormone levels and adolescent progression and analyzing lifestyle and growth environment. As a result of the test, if growth is too fast, growth should be controlled through hormone inhibitors, and if it is diagnosed as growth hormone deficiency, growth hormone injection treatment should be performed.
It is important for parents to take good care of their surroundings and lifestyle so that their children can grow properly even if they receive growth hormone injection treatment. It is recommended to reduce stimulating food, eat regular meals, eat balanced nutrients centered on animal protein, and exercise and stretching to stimulate the growth plate and strengthen bones. In addition, two-thirds of growth hormones are secreted during bedtime, so you can sleep regularly without watching TV or using a smartphone until late.
Park Hye-young, chairman of the Barun Growth Clinic at Himchan General Hospital in Incheon, explained, "If the growth rate is significantly reduced or outside the normal growth stage, you should check the bone age even if it is not hypochondriac.". If the bone age is ahead of the age of 8 to 9, there is not much time left for the growth plate to close to the age of 11, or if the bone age is far behind, it is necessary to quickly find the cause and identify the growth problem that lags behind the peers early.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.