8 Health Secrets of the World's Hottest Grandmother

Sep 24, 2024

8 Health Secrets of the World's Hottest Grandmother
photo source=Gina Stewart Instagram

Gina Stewart, known as the 'hottest grandmother in the world', has revealed her health secrets on her 54th birthday. Gina Stewart, from Australia, has three adult children, a 10-year-old daughter and is a grandmother with three grandchildren.

"Some people think I'm in my 30s," she told British media Daily Star. "The moment I say I'm in my 50s, I'm surprised.""

"I don't even have gray hair yet, and it could be because of natural inheritance or a good diet and regular exercise."

Emphasizing that "our body is designed to heal and recover by itself" she believes that "we can live a long, healthy life, depending on how we take care of it. I think being the best is the key to a happy life" he said.

At the same time, Gina revealed eight health secrets.

The eight living rules she emphasized include ▶Drinking at least 2 liters of clean water a day ▶Drinking 8 hours of sleep ▶Core exercise such as yoga 3 times a week and core exercise 3 to 4 times a week ▶Eat enough fruits, nuts and vegetables and eat meat only on weekends ▶Fast meal is 1 p.m. and last meal is 9 p.m., fasting for 16 hours a day ▶Drinking healthy juice 3 to 4 times a week ▶Use only natural cream and oil without chemicals to moisturize the skin.

Meanwhile, Gina Stewart, from the Gold Coast of Australia, was a model and became famous in 2018 when she was on the list of 'Hot 100' by Maxim, a global men's magazine.

He also won Maxim's Australian modelling competition, earning him the nickname the `hottest grandmother in the world.' Recently, he is also working as a health and health influencer.
