Container truck overturns and hits car 'Horrible'The accident driver escapes

Sep 06, 2024

Container truck overturns and hits car 'Horrible'The accident driver escapes
Photo source=SNS, CNN 브라질
In Brazil, a container truck fell and hit a car in the next lane.

According to local media such as Rio de Noticias and CNN Brazil, a large container truck driving on the southern road of Manaus, Amazonas, fell sideways on the afternoon of the 3rd (local time). The car in the next lane was crushed by this accident. The driver of the car, Dasilva Prado, 32, was killed at the scene and the truck driver fled.

According to CCTV footage, the truck driver appears to have overturned the steering wheel in a hurry to the first lane to avoid a collision with another truck that was driving in front of him.

The car, which was driving in the second lane, stopped when it saw the truck that was out of balance, but the accident could not be avoided.

The truck driver who fled reportedly did not rescue or report the victim immediately after the accident.

The police said they were `pursuing his whereabouts.'

Witnesses said that the road here is a place where large trucks usually pass, and accidents occur frequently.