'Early gastric cancer', endoscopic resection is effective in the first stage of recovery rate of over 90%

Sep 22, 2024

'Early gastric cancer', endoscopic resection is effective in the first stage of recovery rate of over 90%
data photo source=Pixabay

Traditionally, the cure for gastric cancer was only possible with radical resection through surgery. However, with the development of medical technology, it is possible to cure gastric cancer only with endoscopic resection, which only cuts out tissues with cancer without organ resection. Endoscopic resection is considered the safest treatment for early gastric cancer patients as it has the same treatment effect as surgery but has few postoperative complications. I summarized endoscopic resection with Professor Park Soo-bi of gastroenterology at Gangdong Kyunghee University Hospital.

◇ Increase the incidence of stomach cancer in eating habits such as spicy and salty food

Gastric cancer is a particularly common cancer in Korea, and according to data from the Central Cancer Registry released in 2023, 29,361 cases occurred in 2021 and ranked fourth among all cancers. The causes of gastric cancer include genetic factors, Helicobacter infection rates, and environmental factors. In Korea, the incidence of gastric cancer is relatively high due to the influence of eating habits that mainly eat spicy and pickled foods. Professor Park Soo-bi said "Spicy and salty food increases the likelihood of chronic atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia, and the more severe these pathological changes, the higher the prevalence of gastric cancer.", he explained.

Gastric cancer starts in the mucous membrane of the stomach, invades the muscle layer of the stomach, and spreads to the lymph nodes around the stomach. Early gastric cancer is a cancer confined to the mucosa and submucosa of the stomach, and most of them have no symptoms. If cancer continues to progress and invades the muscle layer or more and metastasizes, symptoms such as discomfort or pain in the upper abdomen, indigestion, loss of appetite, and weight loss may appear.

Professor Park said "Fortunately, in Korea, gastric cancer screening is included in health checkups for the whole nation, so the detection rate of early gastric cancer without symptoms is very high and the cure rate is very good."

◇ Early gastric cancer can be cured with an endoscope without surgery

Treatment methods for gastric cancer include endoscopic resection, surgical resection, and chemotherapy. If gastric cancer is detected early, it can be cured with endoscopic resection without gastric resection. The cure rate reaches 95% when gastric cancer treatment is properly performed for the patient group capable of endoscopic resection, and the cure rate for patients who are slightly out of the screening group for endoscopic resection is also over 90%. In the case of advanced gastric cancer, which cannot be resected endoscopically, surgical treatment proceeds, and patients who miss golden time and are unable to expect a cure only with endoscopic resection or surgical resection may need chemotherapy.

Endoscopic resection of gastric cancer is a procedure for resecting cancer lesions through an endoscope. A solution is injected into the submucosal layer around the lesion to separate the layer, and the separated cancer tissue mucosa is excised using a specially manufactured endoscopic incision. Professor Park explained "When the layers are separated, there is a space to peel off, reducing the possibility of perforation, and more completely resecting the cancer that occurred in the mucous membrane." With the development of medical technology, delicate surgery with endoscopy becomes possible, and everything from dissection to resection, hemostasis, and perforation treatment is possible.

◇ Endoscopic resection, safest treatment for early gastric cancer patients

Endoscopic resection is the safest treatment for early gastric cancer patients. In the case of surgical resection, not only the cancerous area should be cut out, but the stomach should be cut large for each section, and all lymph nodes should be resected against the risk of cancer cells being in the lymph nodes. Unlike this, endoscopic resection only removes gastric tissue, so it can preserve organs, which can improve the quality of life after treatment. In addition, since it proceeds from sleep to endoscopy without general anesthesia, the treatment effect with the surgery is the same, leaving no scars at all, and there are few postoperative complications. Another advantage is that short-term hospitalization reduces patients' time and treatment costs significantly.

◇ Medication and diet control are required after the procedure

Endoscopic resection is a relatively safe procedure, but management is required for a certain period of time after the procedure. An ulcer may occur temporarily at the endoscopic resection site, resulting in complications such as bleeding or perforation. Therefore, after the procedure, drug treatment and dietary control should be thoroughly followed according to the instructions of the medical staff. It is also important to watch for recurrence through periodic endoscopy.

Professor Park explained "Early gastric cancer has few symptoms, so it is essential to detect it in advance through regular checkups." Regular gastroscopy is essential for early diagnosis. People over 40 years of age must undergo gastroscopy every two years at the time of national health examination. If you have symptoms in your stomach even if you are under 40 years old, or if you have a family history or want a gastric cancer check-up even if you are asymptomatic, it is recommended to have a gastroscopy.

◇ Avoid spicy and salty food and sterilize Helicobacter bacteria is also important

In order to prevent gastric cancer, stimulating eating habits such as spicy and salty and burnt foods should be corrected, and alcohol and tobacco should be avoided. In addition, if Helicobacter pylori is present, it must be eradicated in advance. Given the genetic characteristics and risk incidence of Koreans, the impact of Helicobacter bacteria is very significant. If you don't get rid of it right away, it won't be a big deal, but having Helicobacter bacteria for 10 to 20 years will cause atrophic gastritis and intestinal metaplasia, which will increase the incidence of gastric cancer. Stress management will also be important as the stomach is vulnerable to stress.

'Early gastric cancer', endoscopic resection is effective in the first stage of recovery rate of over 90%
Professor Park Soo-bi of the Department of Gastroenterology at Gangdong Kyunghee University Hospital.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.