The egg yolk is white, what did the chicken eat?

Sep 05, 2024

The egg yolk is white, what did the chicken eat?
Photo source='엑스(X)'

In general, egg yolk is yellow.

However, there is a claim that an egg with a white egg yolk was found in Japan, making headlines.

According to Maidona News and social media platform 'X(X, old Twitter)', a Japanese woman was recently surprised when she cracked an egg to cook.

This is because white yolk came out, not yellow yolk.

She explained that she bought eggs at a mart in Itoman, Okinawa, and they tasted the same as regular eggs.

He also said that he made stewed eggs with soy sauce, but kept it white.

Why is the white yolk coming out.

In general, this phenomenon is called 'Pale yolk'.

Although not common, occasionally found 'thin yolk' is caused by chicken feed or health conditions of chickens. Most of them are known to have no problem even if consumed.

In fact, in some farms in Japan, egg yolks appeared white in chickens fed only rice.

One media outlet evaluated "For this egg, the sweetness, umami, and soft taste were better." In addition, it is sold a lot for diet because it is low in fat and calories compared to the ingredients of regular eggs.

Netizens want to try it", "Will the yolk change its color if it is fed something with other pigments?", Reactions such as 'Yolk Breaking the Stereotypes' are being made.

This article was translated by Naver AI translator.