Elementary school principal killed first grade girl after attempted sexual assault 'Shock'

Sep 25, 2024

Elementary school principal killed first grade girl after attempted sexual assault 'Shock'
photo source=Haribumi News
An Indian elementary school principal killed a first-year girl when she resisted while trying to rape her, shocking her.

According to local media such as Jagran News and Haribumi News, Govind Nath, 55, the principal of a public elementary school in the Dahod district of Gujarat, India, has been arrested for killing a 6-year-old girl.

On the morning of the 19th (local time), he attempted to rape a first-year girl while driving her to school at the request of her parents.

When the girl screamed and rebelled, the principal blocked the girl's mouth and nose with his hands to make her unconscious.

The principal left the girl's body in the car and went to work and dumped it behind the school building in the afternoon.

The girl's parents searched for her daughter when she did not return home after school, and found her lying behind the building and took her to the hospital, but she had already died.

The police launched an investigation into the principal and confessed to the murder after intense questioning because the statements such as the rush hour were not correct.

An autopsy confirmed that the girl died from asphyxiation.
