Magic to change your life? It's enough to try 'This one'!

Sep 27, 2024

 Magic to change your life? It's enough to try 'This one'!
As a broadcast writer who makes content that follows trends and guides, I was living with all the health and beauty information of the world, and one day, I suddenly wondered how much of it was real and fake, and whether this information was appropriate for 'I' and 'we'. To solve your curiosity, you have to do it yourself.

Kang Yi-seul's 'instant wellness' is an experimental machine of a writer who hopes that the city where I live will be as healthy as my body, and an experience built between trial and error and unexpected enlightenment to find 'how to fit me'.

From the realization of my body and environment, which I learned by experimenting with health care secrets loved by celebrities such as vegetarian, Mediterranean diet, collagen, and flogging, which I started wanting to share that realization with others, time donor projects, and an ultra-simple cost-effective wellness routine made between Singapore and Seoul.

This book shows that the magical secret to changing life is not a heavy plan that requires determination and determination, but instead 'Three Days of Long Determination', which was implemented with the mind of 'Today, let's do this at least', is the beginning of a real magic that goes beyond my body and changes the city and tomorrow we live in.

Instant wellness is a concept first used by Dr. Hulbert Dunn of the United States in 1961. In the early days, it was used as a life science to properly introduce exercise into daily life and live a healthy life, but over time, it has been varied, including realizing a rich and wonderful life based on health and the process. Recently, it has become a global trend as it has expanded from individuals to social areas, such as eco-friendly life and value consumption for the community.

 Magic to change your life? It's enough to try 'This one'!
Kang Yi-seul's Singapore plogging peddlers
The title 'instant wellness' introduces a variety of ways to start 'wellness life' that think together about individual health, community happiness, and even the environment as simple, easy, and inexpensive as instant.

Kang Yi-seul is a 17-year veteran who has been working as a writer for entertainment and liberal arts programs such as MBC Everyone and MBC since his 7th year, and has focused on programs related to his personal interests and favorite 'Health, Beauty, and Exercise' such as and .

One day, while producing a program to follow the beauty trend, I started an experiment myself after wondering how much health and beauty management methods were real and fake. It was a waste for me to know that the result was recorded on SNS with "My Body Experiment Machine", and with that, I gradually fell into the world of wellness, running marathons and hiking with celebrities I had always known, such as actor Lee Si-young, model Song Hae-na, and comedian Kim Ji-min.

The author, who naturally became interested in the food I eat while focusing on 'myself', became interested in the environment and the earth in earnest after watching a documentary on meat. Soon after, 'plogging', which had just begun overseas, was put into practice along the Han River and steadily posted it on social media, drawing attention and action from many people. He also wrote books such as "The Earthman's Repentations" as he attracted attention for ESG activities such as plogging and time donor projects that could increase and lengthen '.