A man who sleeps 30 minutes every day for 12 years "Doubles his life"

Sep 02, 2024

A man who sleeps 30 minutes every day for 12 years 'Doubles his life'
photo source=Daisuke Hori Instagram
A Japanese man claimed that he has been sleeping for only 30 minutes every day for 12 years, increasing his life to 'double'.

According to foreign media such as Hong Kong media South China Morning Post, Hori Daisuke, 40, who lives in Hyogo Prefecture in western Japan, said he never feels tired by training his brain and body to work normally with minimal sleep.

He is an entrepreneur in music, painting and mechanical design who started reducing sleep 12 years ago to increase his daily active hours, and as a result, he succeeded in reducing his sleep time per day to 30 to 45 minutes.

`You can avoid drowsiness by simply exercising or drinking coffee an hour before eating,' he said.

He founded the Short-Term Sleep Training Association in 2016 and is teaching classes on sleep and health.

He added "People who need constant concentration at work benefit more from quality sleep than from long sleep. For example, doctors and firefighters explained, "The same principle as maintaining high efficiency even though the breaks are short."

Japanese broadcasters also covered it to verify the actual sleep time per day.

Yomiuri TV followed him for three days on the reality show. At this point, he slept only 26 minutes and woke up naturally, full of energy.

After eating breakfast, I went to work after exercising at the gym.

He said he taught more than 2,100 students to become ultra-short sleepers.

In an interview with Yomiuri TV, one of the students "reduced sleep time after training from 8 hours to 90 minutes."I've been keeping my skin and mental health in good condition while maintaining this sleeping time for four years."

After this story is known, online is the true master of time management. I want to learn how to sleep less and work more efficiently", "It is to shorten one's life. Even if the brain could be awake, the heart wouldn't be able to handle it" There was a great deal of disagreement.

Doctors warned that extremely short sleep is not suitable for everyone and has side effects.

One doctor said "Adults are advised to get 7 to 9 hours of sleep every day. Sleep is an important time for the body and brain to recover. "Chronic sleep deprivation can lead to memory loss, weakened immunity, mood disorders, and increased risk of cardiovascular disease.", he pointed out.
