Missing cat found 3,000km away in 2 years 'miracle'

Sep 04, 2024

Missing cat found 3,000km away in 2 years 'miracle'
photo source=Dakin Humane Society
A cat that disappeared from home has been found about 3,000km away in more than two years.

According to the New York Post, the Carla family in Texas recently received a call that their cat 'Shoto', which disappeared from their home in January 2022, was found in Springfield, Massachusetts. It was an area about 3000km away from home.

The Daykin Humane Society, an animal shelter, called Mr. Carla several times but could not be reached.

It was because Mr. Carla misunderstood it as a spam call.

After that, the phone call was barely reached, and the Carla family headed to the animal shelter, which takes about 26 hours one way.

The Carla family, who were reunited with their cat Shoto, shed tears of joy and thanked the incredible thing for happening.

The shelter said "No one but Shoto will know how he came to Massachusetts"His adventure will remain a secret forever"

It was thanks to the microchip planted in the body that I was able to find my cat in more than two years.

The shelter said "A citizen recently brought in Shoto, who was on the street, and when I checked with the scanner, I found his contact information", he explained.

An official stressed that it is important to update the contact information inside the microchip just in case.
