the probability that the organ in the body is opposite to the position 'mirror man' diagnosis is 1 in 1 million

Sep 26, 2024

the probability that the organ in the body is opposite to the position 'mirror man' diagnosis is 1 in 1 million
Photo source=Wuhan Respiratory Hospital, Jimu News
A man in China is known to be a so-called 'mirror human' whose heart, liver, spleen, stomach and other organs are located oppositely.

The disease is called 'embedded dysphonia' or 'embedded potential', and it is an innate deformity in which the organs in the body are not in a normal position but in a completely opposite, that is, in a mirror position. It is known to be born with a probability of about one in a million. Organs are on the other side, but you can live a healthy life like a normal person.

According to Chinese media such as Jimu News and China Dotcom, a 30-year-old A living in Xishou City, Hubei Province, was recently found to be 'mirror human' at Wuhan Respiratory Hospital.

He had been treated at a local medical institution for coughing and fever for a month, but he did not improve after 10 days.

He was transferred to Wuhan Respiratory Hospital due to his deteriorating condition, and CT scans revealed that his organs were in opposite positions.

Professor Yang Ching-ching, the doctor, said "I thought the photograph was wrong, but when I looked closely, the organs were located on the other side," he said.

'Mirror humans' are not disruptive to daily life but are likely to develop lung infections, infertility, and other diseases.

This is because the direction of the cilia in the lumen and fallopian tubes of the bronchus is opposite. Taking the cilia of the bronchial tubes as an example, if the direction of the cilia shaking is reversed, the ability to discharge secretions through coughing is significantly reduced, the bronchial tubes lose their self-cleaning function, and sputum, pus, and bacteria are easy to penetrate.

This is why A has not improved even though he has been treated for pneumonia for a long time.

Professor Yang says "It is a disease caused by genetic mutations, but scientific and rational treatment, including bronchoscopic inhalation, can help patients overcome lung infections.", he explained.

However, A's left lung turned almost completely white due to prolonged pneumonia, and the right lung was also severely damaged.

However, thanks to intensive treatment at the hospital, pneumonia and high fever are said to be subsiding recently.