Korea Racing Authority - Retired Racehorse International Forum (IFAR) Signs MOU on racehorse welfare
Sep 05, 2024
Through the agreement, the Korea Racing Authority and IFAR promised to cooperate in a total of three areas, including policy advice and information exchange, in addition to establishing a mutual cooperation system between institutions for the development of retired racehorse welfare.
IFAR was established in 2016 to promote the life cycle welfare of racehorses, and consists of horse organizations, horse welfare organizations, and private experts from countries such as the UK, the United States, Japan, and Ireland, and more than 30 countries are currently participating.
Since 2018, the Korea Racing Authority has been in a global cooperative relationship, including attending the IFAR conference, and has signed an official business agreement between the agencies at the Asian Racing Conference held in Sapporo. Through the agreement, the company plans to expand its global network related to the welfare of racehorses and actively introduce global standards for horse welfare projects in Korea.
IFAR Chairman Eliot Forbes said, `I am pleased to sign an MOU with the Korean Horse Association, which has made great strides in the field of retired horse racing in the meantime.'"IFAR will continue to provide active communication and consultation for the ultimate development of the Korean Horse Welfare field, including retired horse racing in the future" he said.
Jeong Ki-hwan, president of the Korea Racing Authority, responded by saying, "Horses that have retired from Gyeongju often have versatile abilities to work with people such as horseback riding, rehabilitation, and healing. The Korea Racing Authority is making various efforts, such as establishing a horse welfare center and co-creating a 10 billion won horse welfare fund with the Seoul-Pukyongyang Racing Authority. We will use this agreement as an opportunity to further enhance the level of domestic horse welfare by cooperating with advanced countries in the overseas horse industry."
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.