Reward for being bitten by a snake in a movie theater. Rebutting to the claim that it will be a mouse

Sep 26, 2024

Reward for being bitten by a snake in a movie theater. Rebutting to the claim that it will be a mouse
Photo source=채널 7
It is shocking to hear that a snake bit him at a movie theater in Thailand.

According to local media such as Channel 7 and Tyras, Konpapiphon Po Kimsin, 27, a female businessman, recently demanded adequate compensation, saying he was bitten by a snake at a movie theater in the Rama II area of Bangkok, Thailand.

She took off her shoes while watching the movie, and when the movie was over, she shook it off as if something was crawling through her legs. Later, when I came out of the movie theater and checked, I found that my legs were bleeding.

In response, an employee told him that he seemed to have been bitten by a snake, but the answer was that it was unlikely to be a snake.

She went straight to the hospital and was told by the doctor that she appeared to have been bitten by a snake. After being hospitalized until the next day, she was discharged from the hospital and told the movie theater to compensate 25,000 baht (about 1.02 million won) for treatment. However, the movie theater claimed that the animal involved was a rat, not a snake, and said it would pay only 6,990 baht (about 290,000 won) as compensation.

At a press conference organized with the non-profit organization Saimai Survive, she urged the movie theater to be a safe place for visitors, urging them to `pay sufficient compensation.'