What is the difference between urinary stones and cholelithiasis that occur in the body 'stone'?
Sep 08, 2024
According to statistics from the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, the number of patients with cholelithiasis increased every year from 219,000 in 2020 to 270,000 in 2023. Cholelithiasis is a disease in which stones occur in the bile duct or gallbladder. In the case of cholelithiasis in the gallbladder, it can be easily diagnosed by ultrasound, so it is often found by medical examination.
However, even if gallstones are present in the gallbladder, there are many cases where there are no symptoms, and even if there are no symptoms, it is recommended to be treated before symptoms occur. If you have pain from cholelithiasis, if the size of the gallstones is very large, and if complications of cholelithiasis occur, you must treat it, and gallstones are a cause of cholecystitis, so it is better to have surgery when there are small stones. This is because small stones can cause bile duct obstruction while escaping toward the bile duct.
The most common symptom of cholelithiasis is severe abdominal pain. Suddenly, my upper stomach hurts and I can also have pain in my back. Pain lasts at least 15 minutes and requires the administration of painkillers. When the gallbladder has inflammation such as bacterial infection along with cholelithiasis, the symptoms appear more severe. On the other hand, they often complain of symptoms such as indigestion or bloating of their upper stomachs.
Cholelithiasis is diagnosed by abdominal ultrasound and abdominal CT. Ultrasound examination takes a short time, and not only gallbladder, but also organs such as bile ducts, liver, and pancreas can be examined at the same time. Using abdominal CT, it is possible to discriminate a mass (hump) or objectively diagnose the obstruction of the bile duct.
Gallstones with symptoms should undergo cholecystectomy. laparotomy is rare, and most of them use laparoscopy to perform cholecystectomy. Abdominal cholecystectomy is a method of resecting a gallbladder with stones by cutting the lower part of the navel by about 1cm, inserting an endoscope into the abdominal cavity, and manipulating the instrument.
The method of lithotripsy, such as urinary stones, is not well used to treat cholelithiasis. This is because even if gallstones are not crushed well by extracorporeal ultrasound, there are problems such as whether they can be discharged from the body and recurrence problems.
Koh Yoon-song, head of the abdominal center at Seran Hospital, explained, "The number of patients with cholecystitis increases with age, because the cholesterol saturation index, an indirect indicator of cholelithiasis, tends to increase with age in most cases. "As the body ages, gallbladder motility decreases and resistance decreases, leading to a decrease in immunity.".
Koh Yun-song, director of the abdominal center, said "The pain of cholelithiasis gradually intensifies, and if the pain persists, acute cholecystitis can be suspected"To prevent cholelithiasis, you should reduce your usual intake of high cholesterol food and maintain an appropriate weight through steady exercise rather than a sudden diet." he advised.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.