At the top of the 147m high pyramid 'Woof'"Not a dog, but a guardian deity"

Oct 17, 2024

At the top of the 147m high pyramid 'Woof''Not a dog, but a guardian deity'
photo source=Instagram
It is a hot topic as a dog is seen walking around on top of an Egyptian giant pyramid.

Alex Lang, a well-known travel influencer, said on the 14th (local time) that he found a dog near the summit while flying over the Great Pyramid of Egypt in a powered paraglider. The pyramid is about 147 meters tall.

He said the dog was barking at birds flying overhead at the time.

When the video was released online, unusual interpretations came out with great attention.

Netizens are not `dogs.' In the afterlife, the guide to the dead and the guardian of the tomb, the Egyptian god Anubisdah,"I wonder how long it took to reach the summit", People are posting comments such as "'It's possible to fold pyramids that people can't climb up.'"Did you go up to hunt birds?"It's as mysterious as the pyramid."

Meanwhile, the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt is one of the seven wonders of the world and is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It is known to have been created around 2560 B.C., about 4,500 years ago, during the 4th Dynasty of the ancient Egyptian kingdom. The Great Pyramid of Giza is divided into three main categories: the largest evacuation pyramid is about 147m high and the length of the base is 230m. It is estimated that the total weight of the stones entered at the time of construction was about 59 million tons, and about 2.3 million limestone and granite were used.