I only see 6 women sitting on the sofa and 5 legs?

Oct 08, 2024

I only see 6 women sitting on the sofa and 5 legs?
photo source=Reddit, Daily Star
A photo recently posted online is a hot topic among netizens.

Opinions are divided over which leg belongs to whom in a photo taken by six women sitting on the sofa.

It's a kind of optical illusion because at first glance, only five legs are visible.

Online media Daily Star and social media Reddit are analyzing this by netizens.

One netizen claimed "The first woman is sitting on the second woman's leg" while another claimed "The second woman's leg is behind the first woman's leg."," he said.

Some gave their presumptive opinions after looking at women's clothes.

One person commented "The first woman has her legs crossed, her pants knees are not torn. The second woman has only one leg and the knee of her pants is torn. Therefore, the legs of the two are mixed."

While another said "The first and second women's pants are the same color, so they look combined. There is a difference between socks and skin on the boots" gave an opinion.

As the debate heated up, netizens also argued that the women in the picture should explain themselves.
