I thought it was a neck disc. 'Hardness'?impaired walking and urinating when left unattended

Oct 17, 2024

I thought it was a neck disc. 'Hardness'?impaired walking and urinating when left unattended
data photo source=Pixabay
Neck disc is a common disease that 1 million people visit the hospital every year. Last year, 989,195 people were treated for neck discs.

The symptoms are similar to those of the neck disc, but there is a much more dangerous disease. It's '頸髓症'. Percutaneous hydropathy occurs when the disc escapes to the cervical cavity through which the spinal cord, a nerve bundle, passes, or when an aging osteoporosis (the bone at the edge of the bone) blocks or compresses the cervical cavity.

Kim Jong-tae, a professor of neurosurgery at the Catholic University of Korea's Incheon St. Mary's Hospital, warned that "Petal hydropathy is a terrifying disease that causes symptoms similar to neck discs and, in severe cases, can lead to serious consequences such as quadriplegia or walking disorders by pressing the spinal cord, a bundle of nerves.".

◇ If you don't treat it on time, symptoms will recur...It's not easy to distinguish it from other diseases

Causes of hydropathy include cervical vertebrae, which deforms the neck bone with aging, discs, and posterior large osteoarthritis, which ossifies the ligaments of the cervical spine. In addition to the cervical vertebrae, ligament ossification, including the posterior large osteomyelosis, also occurs in the thoracic vertebrae and, although rare, lumbar vertebrae. It appears frequently in diabetics.

Symptoms include stiffness, discomfort, and pain in the initial neck and both shoulders, and then gradually lead to numbness or radiating pain in the hands and arms. After that, it may become difficult to perform detailed tasks such as chopsticks, writing letters, and buttons, and walking disorders and urination disorders may appear, which may eventually lead to situations in which you have to lie in a hospital bed.

The problem is that the symptoms of hydropathy are not clear and it is not easy to distinguish it from other diseases. The typical early symptoms are pain and numbness in the neck, shoulders, arms, palms, and fingers, making it difficult to distinguish them from neck discs. In addition, it is necessary to differentiate it from elbow subductor syndrome and root canal syndrome, which complain of numbness and discomfort in the hands. Multiple sclerosis and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis also show symptoms similar to those of transmucosal sclerosis. Some people are confused with strokes.

Professor Kim Jong-tae said, `When you have hydropathy, your legs lose strength, making it difficult to walk and impossible to climb stairs. It is also misunderstood as a stroke as the quality of life rapidly declines due to urination disorders, making it difficult to hold things with your hands and use chopsticks. "If symptoms are not treated in time, symptoms recur repeatedly and symptoms rarely disappear on their own, so if symptoms appear, you should visit a hospital immediately for diagnosis and appropriate treatment."

◇ Treatment with early surgery...It's not just about aging, it's about getting active treatment

Hydropathy is diagnosed by imaging and nerve function tests such as X-rays, CT (computer tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging), and electromyography.

Preservation treatments such as towing, wearing cervical aids, and physical therapy can be performed in the early stages of diagnosis. However, if transhydrophilia is clear, surgery is performed early. It removes lesions that cause hard water compression to relieve nerve compression and performs instrument fixation to stabilize spinal instability. If appropriate treatment is performed in the early stages, the prognosis is generally good.

Surgery includes anterior cervical decompression and fixation and cervical laminoplasty. Cervical anterior depressurization and fixation are methods of reaching the cervical spine from the front of the neck to relieve cervical nerve compression through the removal of the intervertebral disc or vertebral body and perform instrumental fixation for cervical stabilization. Cervical laminoplasty reaches the cervical spine from behind the neck and lifts the luteum to expand the cervical cavity and relieve nerve pressure. In most cases, hospitalization takes about one to two weeks. However, if you miss the right time for surgery and already have severe walking disorders or stiffness in your upper and lower legs, symptoms such as neurogenic pain, paralysis, and stiffness may remain after surgery, and permanent disability may persist.

Professor Kim Jong-tae said, `If you suspect a mild case, you should conduct a test as soon as possible to diagnose it and receive appropriate treatment such as conservative treatment or surgery depending on the results"If treatment such as surgery is performed after appropriate examination in the early stages of the disease, significant improvement of symptoms and permanent disability can be prevented and the degree can be reduced."

In order to prevent hydropathy, constant management is important, just like the neck disc. The cause of hydropathy is, after all, degenerative changes due to aging. As you get older, moisture escapes from the discs between the spinal joints, making them squishy. Practice stretching or exercising steadily to reduce stress and strengthen the muscles around the neck. Bad postures should also be avoided.

Professor Kim Jong-tae advised that `Mercorrhea is common in the elderly, but you should never think about it and ignore it or bear the inconvenience because it is just because you are old.' `As there are many cases where it gets much better after initial diagnosis and treatment, active treatment is needed.'

I thought it was a neck disc. 'Hardness'?impaired walking and urinating when left unattended
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