I thought my memory was 'I can't remember', I thought it was dementia, but thyroid disease?

Oct 04, 2024

I thought my memory was 'I can't remember', I thought it was dementia, but thyroid disease?
data photo source=Pixabay
The thyroid gland is underneath the hard-touch thyroid cartilage in the front of the neck, shaped like a butterfly spreading its wings. Thyroid hormones produced by the thyroid gland play a role in regulating the metabolic rate of our body. Our body is controlling to maintain a normal amount at all times without lacking or excessive thyroid hormones.

Specifically, thyroid hormones stimulate almost all tissues in the body to produce proteins, and increase the amount of oxygen used by cells, affecting heart rate, calorie consumption rate, skin maintenance, growth, fever, and digestion.

Hypothyroidism refers to a state in which thyroid hormones are not produced well in the thyroid gland, resulting in a decrease or deficiency in thyroid hormone concentration in the body. In adolescents and adults, Hashimoto thyroiditis (autoimmune thyroiditis) is the most common cause of decreased thyroid hormone production in the thyroid gland itself. Hashimoto's thyroiditis is one of the autoimmune diseases, and chronic inflammation of the thyroid gland is repeated and tissue is destroyed, leading to decreased function.

According to the Health Insurance Review and Assessment Service, the number of patients with hypothyroidism increased from 608,000 in 2020 to 684,000 in 2023. By gender, there were 118,000 men and 560,000 women, about five times more female patients. Hypothyroidism increases with age. In statistics, it gradually increased from 40 to 49 years old, and the number of patients was the highest in 60 to 69 years old.

Less thyroid hormones reduces our body's metabolism and reduces heat generation. As a result, I get cold a lot, don't sweat well, and my face and hands and feet are swollen and I don't eat well, but I gain weight. The autonomic nerves become dull, causing the pulse to slow down, and the gastrointestinal movement to slow down, resulting in constipation. The skin becomes dry, the menstrual cycle changes, and excessive menstruation may be accompanied. Severe shortages of thyroid hormones can lead to neurological symptoms such as coma.

In some cases, mental activity slows down and memory declines, so it is misunderstood as dementia. In the elderly, it may appear to be confused or forgetful. Thyroid hormones are also necessary for the development of the nervous system, including the brain, and a lack of hormones leads to memory loss and slow speech. When hormone deficiency progresses slowly, patients may not notice symptoms.

Director of Surgery at Seran Hospital Chung Hong-kyu said, `The thyroid hormone is essential for maintaining body temperature and is essential for the development of the brain and other nervous systems as well as physical growth"If sufficient thyroid hormones are not produced, it becomes difficult to learn new things or remember events that have just happened", he explained.

Hypothyroidism is diagnosed by measuring thyroid hormones (T3, T4, or free T4) secreted from the thyroid gland and thyroid stimulating hormone levels that secrete thyroid hormones from the thyroid gland. Identifying the condition of thyroid tissue by thyroid ultrasound is also helpful for diagnosis.

Manager Chung Hong-kyu said, `The hypothyroidism can be easily treated by taking thyroid hormone drugs to fill the shortfall while thyroid hormone is insufficient than required"Insufficient thyroid hormones slow human function and some symptoms can be mistaken for depression in the elderly. If you are sensitive to temperature changes and suddenly tired, it is recommended to get a related test.

I thought my memory was 'I can't remember', I thought it was dementia, but thyroid disease?
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