Men with 4 wives and 2 girlfriends "54 children target"Sexual relationship more than 28 times a week"

Oct 17, 2024

Men with 4 wives and 2 girlfriends '54 children target'Sexual relationship more than 28 times a week'
photo source=Shueisha
A Japanese man with four wives and two girlfriends said he wants to have 54 children, the most in Japanese history.

The record for the largest number of children in Japan to date is 53 by Tokugawa Ienari, the 11th shogun during the Edo shogunate.

Japanese publisher Shueisha recently interviewed Ryuta Watanabe, 36, who lives in Hokkaido.

Having become famous years ago for being "polygamy", he now lives with his three wives in a three-room house. There are 10 children, but only two live together.

In fact, polygamy is not allowed in Japan, so all wives are in a common-law relationship. Wives are 23, 24, 27, 37 years old, etc.

He hasn't been working for the past 10 years and has been living on the salaries of his wife and girlfriend.

The monthly cost of living for these families is about 914,000 yen (about 8.4 million won).

Instead, he plays the role of a housewife, cooks, does housework, and takes care of the children.

Earlier this year, he appeared on a Japanese TV show, saying, `I just love women. As long as we love each other equally, there is nothing wrong with it."

He, who claims that marital relations are also equal, said he changes rooms every night and sleeps with his wives in turns.

He said he has sex more than 28 times a week, and his wives are not jealous and get along like friends.

Watanabe also revealed that sometimes when he gets confused and enters another room, his wives tell him "It's not me today."

Nevertheless, he is constantly meeting new women.

He said that he is meeting a new woman through social media. "I want to meet about six women in the last month' I'm getting a message. Before we meet, we have a conversation on Instagram call and then decide whether to meet in person"I got to know both of my girlfriends in this way as well."

He stressed that the goal is to have seven wives and 54 children.

As for the reason, he said, "'Because I have to think about one wife a day.'"I want to break the record of 53 children of Tokugawa Ienari, a shogun about 220 years ago" he said.

He then added, "I want to remain a father with the most children in Japanese history, and I hope to be remembered as a god of prosperity and solidarity after death.'