Korean Racing Authority, MZ Generation Communication Window 'Junior Board'Enhancing Fresh Organizational Culture

Oct 10, 2024

 Korean Racing Authority, MZ Generation Communication Window 'Junior Board'Enhancing Fresh Organizational Culture
The 3rd meeting of the Korean Racing Authority 'Junior Board' held on the 10th. Courtesy of the Korea Racing Authority
On the 10th, the Korea Racing Authority (Chairman Jung Ki-hwan) held the 3rd Junior Board to discuss ways to balance work-family and advance job-level operations. The Zunior Board, which consists of Generation Z, is a young communication channel to collect opinions on various management issues, and consists of a total of 32 employees in their 20s, including new employees.

In the first order of the third junior board, we had time to look at the work-family balance support system of the horseradish society and exchange fresh ideas for overcoming population decline and low birthrate. The Korea Racing Authority runs a joint labor-management family-building committee, sends congratulatory gifts to pregnant and childbirth employees, builds a Jeju workplace daycare center, promotes annual leave and promotes flexible work.

As a result, the number of days 3,796 days of parental leave used by male employees in 2023 has increased by 1,324 days compared to 2,472 days in 2022, which is said to be creating a parenting-friendly working environment.

This was followed by an explanation and question-and-answer session of the horse society's remuneration system centered on job and performance to improve the understanding of the job level of low-year employees. Job-level operation is to alleviate seniority and operate a fair and reasonable compensation system. This means that if you work quietly, you'll get a heavy reward!' It is also in line with Chairman Chung Ki-hwan's management philosophy. Junior Board members "did not know before whether the contribution of employees in difficult and demanding jobs is reflected in remuneration", "I wish job options were expanded." Various opinions were presented on the job level.

After the event, one participant said "We are actively participating in the Junior Board to present honest and fresh opinions unique to Generation MZ on the overall company life"We will continue to take the lead in improving organizational culture and realizing core values as new members of the organization in the future."

In the future, the Korean Racing Association will hold junior boards quarterly to actively collect opinions from the MZ generation on management issues within the organization and conduct various programs to improve organizational culture.
