4th Stage Skin Cancer Woman Enjoyed in Her 20s"Make No Mistakes"
Nov 21, 2024
Claire Turner (43), a woman from Oxfordshire, England, was diagnosed with skin malignant melanoma in January, according to the New York Post and other foreign media.
Malignant melanoma, unlike other types of skin cancer, is one of the cancers with a high fatality rate.
In the case of infiltration less than 1 mm, the five-year survival rate is 90% or higher, but in the case of infiltration more than 1 mm, it falls to 70%, and in the case of lymph nodes or other organs, the five-year survival rate decreases to less than 50%.
Melanoma is known to occur mainly when melanocytes, which protect the skin from ultraviolet rays, mutate into cancer cells.
Another cause may be partially caused by human papillomavirus infection.
Claire Turner first visited the hospital in December last year after feeling pain in her right shoulder.
Doctors initially thought the ligament had been torn, but a few weeks later, they noticed a slight swelling of the scapula and underwent an MRI scan and biopsy.
As a result, it was diagnosed as malignant melanoma. Some of the cancer cells had spread to the lungs.
"I was shocked and terrified when I heard the result," she said. "I often lay on the sunbed and enjoyed tanning when I was young, and it makes me regret it.""
Although some tumors disappeared during treatment, she still lives with anxiety, asking others to cover themselves so that they are not exposed to ultraviolet rays.
Meanwhile, early detection and treatment of melanoma are important. In the case of Koreans, it is said that there are many terminal melanoma that occur mainly in the hands and toenails. If you have band-shaped black lines on your hands and nails and spread black spots to the surrounding skin and pain occurs, it is better to suspect melanoma and get tested.
It is necessary to use sunscreen and minimize exposure areas to prevent skin cancer.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.