After giving birth, there's even a 'this' without trying 'Joule'
Nov 05, 2024
The aftereffects and solutions that may occur after childbirth are summarized with the help of Professor Oh Kwan-young of obstetrics and gynecology at Daejeon Eulji University Hospital.
◇Rhinitis, a runny nose that I've never known for my whole life 's breath'...Humidity management in the home is important
Rhinitis is a disease in which symptoms such as nasal congestion, sneezing, and runny nose appear due to inflammation of tissues inside the nose. However, there are pregnant women who suddenly sneezed and had a runny nose after pregnancy and childbirth. Professor Oh Kwan-young says "During pregnancy, the nasal mucosa can weaken due to hormonal changes, resulting in rhinitis symptoms, especially in the late pregnancy, when progesterone secretion increases, expanding the blood vessels in the nose, which is likely to cause nasal congestion."
Rhinitis, which occurs during pregnancy, is characterized by symptoms such as nasal congestion and runny nose for more than six weeks without any cause, unlike allergic rhinitis or sinusitis caused by infection. In general, these symptoms disappear within two weeks of childbirth, and rhinitis symptoms persist as the immunity decreases due to stress and fatigue experienced after childbirth.
Dry air can worsen rhinitis symptoms, so it is necessary to properly manage humidity at home.
As temperature and humidity control are essential for newborns, it is recommended to maintain humidity around 60% through humidifiers. In addition, washing the nose 2-3 times a day with physiological saline can relieve nasal congestion. However, if symptoms worsen or adverse reactions occur after washing the nose, it should be stopped immediately and treated by an otolaryngologist.
◇ Urinary incontinence, urine that has nothing to do with will 'Slightly'...The symptoms get worse when it gets cold
Urinary incontinence is a disease that leaks urine regardless of one's will. In particular, about 30% of pregnant women are known to develop incontinence after childbirth. During the delivery process, the pelvis of a pregnant woman can open and perineal muscles, including the cervix and vagina, can increase, causing incontinence as the ligaments or urethral sphincters supporting the bladder above the uterus are damaged.
Most postpartum incontinence has a high number of abdominal pressure incontinence. During daily life, urine leaks little by little when △laughing loudly, △ sneezing, △ exercising such as jumping rope, or △ walking fast. In addition to pregnancy and childbirth, pelvic surgery or menopause can also act as a cause.
Urinary incontinence is not a disease that poses a direct risk to life, but it is a disease that can affect the quality of life as well as social life and interpersonal relationships. In addition, it is considered a shameful disease to actively treat, so even if symptoms persist, you may hesitate to visit a hospital.
Professor Oh Kwan-young advises, "Women's urinary disease is a field that can be treated sufficiently in obstetrics and gynecology, so if urinary incontinence has become severe after childbirth, it is a good way to get counseling when you come to the obstetrics and gynecology clinic for postpartum checkups." "When the weather gets cold, the amount of water that escapes through sweat and breathing decreases, and the symptoms of urinary incontinence may become worse, so management will be necessary."
◇ hemorrhoids, flesh out of the anus 'convex'…If you still have symptoms after 6 weeks, see a doctor
Hemorrhoids are commonly referred to as symptoms caused by inflammation or swelling of blood vessels in the anus. During pregnancy, hormonal changes and fetal weight increase the likelihood of hemorrhoids because pressure is applied to the intestines and pelvis, inducing the expansion of anal blood vessels. In particular, excessive pressure during delivery can put a strain on anal blood vessels, causing inflammation.
Usually, it recovers slowly after childbirth, but in the process, not only can hemorrhoids worsen due to constipation or changes in bowel habits, but hemorrhoids often recur due to poor blood vessel elasticity.
Most of the hemorrhoids after childbirth are relieved by sitting and gradually improve over time. In the meantime, it is important to prevent constipation, and when the pain is severe, it is helpful to take painkillers or to prescribe medicine to apply to the affected area. However, if the symptoms do not subside or you feel uncomfortable in your life six weeks after delivery, it is recommended to see a surgeon for treatment.
This article was translated by Naver AI translator.